Working of Search Engines- Crawling, Indexing, and Results

Working of Search Engines- Crawling, Indexing, and Results

Search engines are complex and understanding the working of search engines is not easy.

However, this blog will discuss the search engine working in three simple steps.

But, before discussing the steps, let’s see, why it is important to understand the working of search engines?

We perform several SEO (Search Engine Optimization) activities to rank our web pages.

In simple terms, we do SEO to get the top-ranking position on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).

But without knowing, how search engine works, getting the top rankings in SERPs is impossible.

For instance, if you don’t know how to ride, you can’t win a race.

Therefore, it is essential to understand the working of search engines.

And if you want to rank your website and need professional help, you can contact the best SEO company in Bihar.

Now, let’s discuss the working of search engines.

Working of Search Engines

Search engines are complex software programs, designed to find the most relevant information from the internet according to the users’ query.

Moreover, according to data, search engine, especially Google, has more than 27 Petabyte data.

And finding relevant results from all these would be impossible if it doesn’t have a working system.

So, let’s see the working of search engines through which they provide the best solution (results) to users.

NoteHere, we focus on the working of Google. However, major search engines follow these steps.

Now, let’s start with the first activity of Google (Search Engine Working).

#1. Crawling

Search engines like Google use bots, spiders, or crawlers to scan content.

Moreover, these bots scan new or updated content on the world wide web.

By scanning the content, they collect all the information about content like structure, motive, and all.

After doing so, crawlers transfer the content to the indexer, and the second activity of working of search engines starts i.e indexing.

#2. Indexing

Indexing is a process of organizing, sorting, and storing of crawled (collected) content on its main server.

In other words, Google arranges the collected content into particular categories.

Moreover, Google ensures to show relevant results to users in a trice of time, through this process.

Indeed, it is easy and fast to find a product if they are arranged in a particular manner.

And search engines are men to provide a quick solution to a query.

Therefore, indexing of content is an important step in the search engine working.

Now, let’s head to the third part of search engine working i.e relevancy and results.

 #3. Relevancy and Results

We know, Google alone has a huge data storage (27 Petabyte) and have millions of web pages for one query.

In other words, Google shows millions of web pages when a query occurs.

However, the probability of getting the best results on the first SERP is very high.

But how does that happen? How does Google find the most relevant result from millions of web pages?

All this happens through this step, i.e., relevancy and results.

Google uses more than 200 ranking algorithms for calculating relevancy and showing results.

In other words, Google uses its ranking algorithms to calculate the relevancy of content.

And when a user searches a query, Google analyzes the keywords and shows results.

NoteKeywords are the queries that users search in Google.

Therefore, it is vital to make your content valuable and relevant to the users, if you want to rank your web pages.

Moreover, the results may be in various forms such as blogs/articles, images, videos, and more.

In addition, you can also see some related queries at the bottom of the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Hence, this is everything you need to know about the working of search engines.

Hope you must get the idea of why it is important to understand, how search engines works.


Search engines are meant to provide the best solutions to users in a fraction of a second.

Moreover, they have a complete working system that helps users to get the best result.

Certainly, if you want to get higher rankings in search engines, you must follow their working rules.

And if you need to get an effective SEO strategy for businesses, you must contact the best SEO agency in Patna.

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