How to Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure- 5 Best Ways

Ways to Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure

There are no ways to lower diastolic blood pressure alone. This conveys that if you want to lower diastolic blood pressure, you have to reduce it completely.

While measuring a person’s blood pressure, we see two numbers, the upper number (systolic) and the lower number (diastolic) and it can increase due to both systolic and diastolic pressure.

High diastolic blood pressure can cause some serious health issues, and sometimes it may cause a heart attack.

Moreover, there are no particular symptoms of high diastolic blood pressure that you can notice.

However, it is essential to maintain proper blood pressure that is 120/80 mm Hg.

Therefore, this blog will discuss the top 5 ways to lower diastolic blood pressure.

So, let’s get started.

5 Ways to Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure

There are various ways to treat high blood pressure, including:

#1. Don’t Take Stress

Reduce stress for Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure

Taking stress can directly affect the blood pressure negatively or cause high blood pressure.

According to research, in a stressful situation, the human body releases a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, that can increase the heart rate temporarily.

However, no medical evidence is available that stress can cause long-term high blood pressure.

Moreover, your reaction to stress can cause high blood pressure problems and even increase the risk of heart strokes.

So, it is important to handle any stressful situation calmly. And to do so, you can practice yoga and meditation regularly.

#2. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), smoking and too much alcoholism can increase blood pressure to an unhealthy level and may cause a heart attack.

In addition, smoking can increase the risk of vascular complications (heart disease and strokes).

Therefore, it is best for people who suffer from high blood pressure to avoid smoking and alcohol.

However, if you are addicted to them, you should cut down on their doses.

Moreover, the AHA suggests taking a maximum of two drinks for men and one for women in a day.

#3. Exercise Regularly

Exercise for Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure

Exercising regularly has always been and always will be the best way to lower diastolic blood pressure.

In addition, it can also help you reduce stress levels, feel energetic, stay fit, and so on.

And we already know that reducing stress levels can help you maintain normal/proper blood pressure.

So, some best exercises to treat high blood pressure are:

  • Cardiovascular Exercise: It is the best exercise to reduce diastolic blood pressure. Some of the exercises are walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, and so on. You can choose as per your comfort and choice.
  • Strength Training Exercise: It is another best exercise that can help lower diastolic blood pressure and even increase muscle mass and strength. Some exercises are Glute Bridges, Squats, Deadlifts, Walking Lunges, Biceps Curls, and more.

Moreover, regular exercise benefits every part of the body, especially the heart.

#4. Follow Proper Diet

By following a proper diet plan, you ensure that your body gets a sufficient amount of everything, such as nutrients, sodium, Potassium, and all.

In addition, it can also help you stay in shape by not getting some unhealthy fatty substance in your body.

So, various foods can increase or decrease your blood pressure.

You can easily maintain a proper diet plan by including and excluding some food/substances from the existing diet plan.

Therefore, what food should you eat and avoid to maintain your blood pressure at a normal level (120 mm Hg)?

Some foods you should add and subtract from your lifestyle to maintain a healthy blood pressure level are:

  • Cut down on sodium; take 6g (0.2oz) of salt a day (maximum).
  • Reduce eating fatty and unhealthy food, especially junk foods like pizza and all.
  • Increase the intake of Potassium; take 4,700 mg a day (at least).
  • Take green vegetables and fruits.
  • Have calcium-rich food in your diet plan, such as Greek yogurt.
  • Lean meat is low-fat meat such as skinless chicken, turkey, and red meat.

Thus, these are some examples of what type of food you should prefer to eat, but you can also customize your proper diet plan according to your choice.

Moreover, following a proper diet is one of the best ways to lower diastolic blood pressure.

#5. Medications

People with high diastolic blood pressure can maintain a healthy or normal level just by adding and cutting some lifestyle activities.

However, some people need to take a few medications prescribed by doctors.

Many doctors prescribe one or more than one medicine to maintain a normal/healthy level of blood pressure, depending on the medical condition and history of the patient.

Some of the medicines that you may get prescribed are:

  • Water pills (diuretics): Help you reduce the level of sodium and stored water in your body.
  • Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), also called Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists: Helps to block the working of angiotensin (a chemical that narrows blood vessels).
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors: Helps to relax blood vessels.

Thus, these are some common medicines that your health care provider (doctor) can prescribe to maintain a healthy blood pressure level.

Moreover, medication is the most effective way to treat high blood pressure.

Hence, these are ways to lower diastolic blood pressure you can apply to your lifestyle.


Many people are suffering from blood pressure problems these days. So, you are not alone.

The major cause of high diastolic blood pressure is an unhealthy and stressful lifestyle.

However, they can maintain a healthy/normal level by following the ways to lower diastolic blood pressure mentioned above.

The ways are not something that needs some extra effort or time; you can follow them by adding and cutting some substances in your lifestyle.

Moreover, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best way to treat high diastolic blood pressure.

Author: Enliven Articles

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