How to Prep for Hip Surgery? Hip Replacement Doctor in Patna

how to prepare for hip replacement surgery

Getting hip replacement surgery is one of the best options for dealing with issues related to hip joints.

Especially when something serious like arthritis is affecting your hip. It is a major surgery in which the surgeon replaces the damaged part of the joint with a prosthesis.

This artificial implant works like the real one, which lets you move your joint freely without feeling any pain.

However, according to a total hip replacement doctor in Patna, this procedure requires proper preparation and planning to make it successful.

Even a single mistake from the patient’s side can result in a negative outcome.

This is why in this blog we will tell you how to prepare for hip replacement surgery through simple steps. 

How to Prepare for Hip Replacement Surgery? 

If you are thinking, what I wish I had known before hip replacement surgery, then you have landed on the right page.

Down below we are going to provide you with simple steps that you must follow before opting for the procedure. So, here are they:

1. Lose Any Excess Weight

If you have excess weight on your body then you must try to gid rid of it before the surgery.

Your doctor will also advise you the same so that your hip joint has to bear less weight.

It will take time for the new implant to work properly and during this time you need to ensure it goes through less stress.

Extra body weight will put extra pressure on artificial joints which may lead to failuer.

Aim to have a body mass index below 30. To achieve that ask your doctor about some weight loss exercises to prepare for hip replacement surgery. 

2. Quit Smoking 

The internet is filled with tips on what to do before the surgery. But, do you know what not to do before hip replacement surgery?

Well, there are many things that you can avoid and smoking is one of them. It is important because cigarettes have nicotine in them which slows down the recovery.

Not only that it may also lead to complications by interfering with blood flow.

According to experts, patients need to stop smoking at least two weeks before the operation. 

3. See Your Dentist

This preparation tip may sound unrelated to the hip replacement surgery but in reality, it is one of the most important ones.

This is because poor oral health is home to different bacteria and according to health experts, they can infect your new joint by traveling to it through the blood.

This is why it is very important to have proper cleansing of your mouth before the surgery. Also, ensure to resolve all the existing dental problems.  

4. Home Preparations

You can opt for hip replacement surgery at any time. However, according to some testimonials, the best time of year for hip replacement surgery is when your home has a lot of space to support you in your recovery.

Don’t make the mistake of opting for this procedure during functions, festivals, or vacations.

Additionally, also prepare your home and make it comfortable for your recovery.

So, before doing skin prep for hip replacement surgery, focus on the home prep first. 

5. Medicines 

There will be several things to buy before hip surgery but you should make the medicine your priority.

Talk to your doctor and ask them about the medicines that you are going to need during the surgery.

Painkillers are common as they help in pain management, but don’t consume them before consulting your doctor.

Also if you consume any supplement, drug, or blood thinners then stop taking them seven days before the surgery.  

Additionally, if you are thinking about how to mentally prepare for hip replacement surgery then you must try to build support around you before the procedure.

So, these were some tips on how to prepare for hip replacement surgery.

Remember that hip replacement surgery also has complications and side effects and this is why choosing an experienced and expert Hip Replacement Surgeon in Patna is also a part of the preparation.

Dr. Ramakan Kumar is one such orthopedic surgeon in Patna who is working towards helping people with knee and hip joint issues.

This committed orthosurgeon is famous for his success records and super-friendly nature.

He provides his patients with personalized treatment as it leads to better results. To get in touch with him you have to visit his official website. 


Going through hip replacement surgery can be a life-changing experience for some patients.

But, the experience can be positive and negative too. This is because hip surgery is a major procedure that needs proper preparation and planning.

That’s why in this blog we have provided you 5 tips on how to prepare for hip replacement surgery.

While following these tips don’t forget to choose a good orthopedic doctor for your surgery.

This is because a simple mistake from the surgeon’s side can too lead to failure. You can contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar for this because he has years of experience in hip replacement surgery.

He will tell you which method of hip replacement is the best for your condition.

Additionally, his treatments are also very affordable and effective.

So, before starting your preparation book an appointment with Dr. Ramakant Kumar as he is generally overbooked because of his popularity