4 Major Google Ranking Algorithm 2022: You Should Know

Google ranking algorithm

The Google Ranking Algorithm is a complex set of rules that determines how high a web page appears in search results.

Google is the most popular search engine in the world and is a direct competitor to all other search engines.

More than 85% of searches happen through Google worldwide. The primary reason behind this is it provides the best results to users.

In other words, Google focuses on providing a great user experience, and for that, it uses around Google 200 ranking factors.

However, following all of them can be challenging, especially for beginners. 

That’s why the best SEO Agency in Patna states 4 major Google ranking factors that can help rank higher on search results.

So, without waiting further, let’s get started!

4 Major Google Ranking Algorithm

Below are the major Google ranking factors that you must consider, including:

#1. High-Quality Content

The first and one of the most important Google ranking algorithms is high-quality (informative and helpful) content.

High-quality (informative and helpful) content refers to a solution that you provide to users when they search for a query on Google.

Moreover, if you successfully provide them with the best solution, Google automatically ranks your website higher in result pages.

Google is the biggest and most used search engine worldwide because it means to provide the best results (content) to its users.

Therefore, when Google finds that your piece of content provides great value to users, you’re more likely to rank higher.

In short, if you have great information on your site, it will rise up in search results.

#2. Page Speed

Page speed is a ranking factor that Google uses to determine its search results. It is also one of the biggest factors affecting the user experience.

It is the amount of time it takes for a page to load from the server. The faster your pages load, the better user experience you will provide.

It’s also important because users are impatient and will leave if they feel the site takes too long to load.

Moreover, this behavior shows Google that your website doesn’t provide a better experience to users and need not rank higher.

Google is increasingly penalizing websites with higher load times, so it’s important to prioritize page speed.

Therefore, it’s important to make sure that every page on your site runs as quickly as possible to get a higher ranking on search results.

You can often improve a site’s speed by using cloud hosting, image optimization, eliminating unusual things, and more.

If you want to make your website load fast, you can contact the best SEO company in Bihar to get the best strategy for that.

#3. Mobile-First Optimization

Mobile-First optimization means designing your site so that it works best on mobile devices.

In other words, it is one of the major Google ranking factors ensuring that your website properly functions on mobile devices.

This is because more than 60% of searches worldwide happen through mobile, especially local searches.

So, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly yet, you’re losing a lot of potentials and the chance to rank higher on Google.

This can be done by optimizing images and CSS files and other non-HTML content like JavaScript and other resources to work well on smaller screens.

Furthermore, another way to improve your site’s mobile performance is by optimizing your pages for faster load times.

After optimizing all these factors, you can check your website if it’s mobile-friendly on Google mobile-friendly test.

#4. Relevant Backlinks

The Google ranking algorithm takes into account how many links come from other websites linking to yours.

Moreover, links are one of the most important factors in ranking because they can help you reach more people and help them find your content quickly.

The more links you have, the higher the chances that your website will appear at the top of the search results.

Getting tons of backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites can help your website to gain authority and credibility in front of Google.

The more authoritative and credible your site is (specifically, the more relevant links pointing to it), the higher you’ll rank.

Long answer short, a strong backlink profile will increase the chances of getting a higher ranking and being found by users who are looking for what you have.

Hence, these are the top Google ranking algorithms that you must consider if you want to rank your website on top of search results.

Note: If you want to rank higher on Google search result pages, you must contact the best Digital Marketing Agency in Patna.


The Google ranking factors 2022 takes into account many factors when determining the best web pages to rank higher on the search results.

According to professionals, Google considers more than 200 search engine ranking factors to rank a website higher.

However, there are some top-ranking factors Google that people need to focus on, including content, backlinks, page speed, and mobile-first optimization.

Keeping them in mind, design your website and get a higher ranking in Google search result pages.

Hope you find them helpful and informative! If you have any queries, you can ask in the comments.

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