How to Boost Testosterone Levels? 6 Natural Ways to Consider

Natural Ways to boost Testosterone

The hormone cycle in your body is essential in determining your long-term health. Even a slight fluctuation in these hormones can cause visible changes in your health.

While this may be a rising health concern, the need to prevent this issue is rising too. The muscle health decline observed after a certain age is a natural phenomenon.

Similarly, there is also a drop in bone strength and energy levels. Surprisingly the reason behind all these concerns is one – Testosterone fall.

Humans, especially men, tend to suffer a major testosterone decline with age. Besides older men, this problem can be visible even in males turning 30.

A natural consequence of this is a weak body, bones, and muscles. Other factors might worsen the male hormone levels and add to the damage.

Genetic factors, medical history, and inadequate diet – the list is endless.

Well in our discussion today let us talk about various natural ways to boost testosterone and how to prevent its decline. 

What Causes Low Testosterone in the 30s?

Often produced in sufficient quantity testosterone participates in various crucial functions. Adequate testosterone levels ensure that your body’s well-being is intact.

A male needs an average of 300-100 ng/DL quantity of the hormone as per the FDA.

However, when it falls below 300 ng/dL it is considered as low T Levels. Long-term effects of low testosterone can cause low muscle mass, brittle bones, low cognition, and disrupted sexual function.

Having said that, let us take a look at a few reasons behind low testosterone besides aging–

  1. High weight might be a big reason behind hormone imbalance. Obese and overweight people often tend to suffer major testosterone decline.
  2. Unregulated and over usage of anabolic steroids and illegal drugs.
  3. Improper dietary habits might also cause this problem. High cholesterol levels and increased blood pressure influence the secretion of the hormone. 
  4. People suffering from chronic illness may also experience low T Levels due to medicines.
  5. Excessive alcohol consumption and lack of nutrition also cause a decline in testosterone.
  6. There can also be certain medical conditions leading to a drop in the male hormone. They include pituitary diseases, tumors, long-term inflammation, genetic disorders, liver issues, and AIDS. Cancer and its various treatments and therapies can cause a major downfall in the serum. 

These causes might lead to a sudden downfall in the testosterone your body produces. These comprise long-term issues along with everyday habits that we ignore.

One can ensure healthy T levels by keeping in mind these causes and their prevention.

Further Low nutrition diet, a disrupted sleep cycle, and a sedentary lifestyle may accelerate the damage.

It thus becomes important to prevent such conditions. In our next section let us talk about the natural ways to boost testosterone.

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone

Having read about the various results of testosterone deficiency, its preservation becomes important. Treatment for low testosterone in young males is recently on the rise due to the health hazards.

Besides consuming steroids and going for testosterone boost therapies, you can also choose other ways. Let us now take a look at these natural remedies for your rescue 

#1. Consume the Right Nutrients

For a testosterone boost, you should fill your platter with proteins fats, and carbs. Besides giving healthy muscles, protein can boost your testosterone levels.

Regulating your hormone balance, proteins ensure efficient secretion of the serum.

Adequate and healthy fat content can also give rise to testosterone secretion.  Additionally, carbohydrates not only provide energy but also improve the production of the male hormone. 

#2. Hike up the Vitamin D Intake

This micronutrient can be an effective aid when it comes to boosting testosterone.

It acts as a steroid hormone essential for male sexual function. In a study with 102 men, vitamin D supplementation caused an increase in the male hormone.

You can include food items rich in D Vitamin like milk and mushrooms and increase your sun exposure. 

#3. Avoid Chemicals

Many health supplements disturb the natural balance of your hormones. Hormones like estrogen often increase the female traits in men suppressing testosterone production.

BPA, parabens, and other chemicals can result in a sudden decline in testosterone levels. 

#4. Balance your Sleep Hours

In a study on men, sleep imbalance affected testosterone production. Low sleep may cause up to 10-15% decline in the male hormone. 

Adequate sleep aids the natural circadian rhythm and helps the body secret testosterone during sleep. Thus it is important to ensure a healthy sleep cycle for better t production.

#5. Switch to Weight-lifting

Besides giving healthy muscles, weights can also bring about a change in your T-Levels. Regular exercise and intensity training can promote the testosterone balance in your body.

Studies show that obese men could increase the secretion of the hormone by regular exercise. For men aged 30, post-exercise T boost is higher and contributes to T Boost.

#6. Reduce Stress

High cortisol due to stress and anxiety often leads to depletion in testosterone. Further, it also enhances overeating and fat accumulation another cause of T-Decline.

You should thus prevent stress and long-term anxiety to avoid the perils that come along. Staying active and indulging in a hobby or practicing yoga can be good remedies. 

To ensure quick results you can employ more than 1 of the above-mentioned remedies.

Additionally, you can also add testosterone supplements to your diet. Multivitamins, Zinc, and other testosterone boosters can prove beneficial for you.

Some other natural ingredients like ashwagandha, ginger, and fenugreek also possess surprising medicinal value.

 You can also prefer Testol 140 by Crazybulk, a potent testosterone booster that elevated t-levels naturally.

Supplement to Boost Testosterone

CrazyBulk Testol 140 is a potent Testolone RAD 140 alternative marketed as the perfect testosterone booster supplement that claims to help users increase muscle mass, strength, and energy levels. It is marketed as a safe and natural alternative to anabolic steroids.

Some scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of some of the ingredients in CrazyBulk Testol 140. For example, DAA has been shown to increase testosterone levels in human studies.

Being a natural alternative to SARMs Testol 140 can boost your workout performance and promote better gains.

Testol 140 helps your body produce more testosterone, which binds to androgen receptors in your muscles. This helps your muscles grow and become stronger.

As per, the Crazy Bulk Testol 140 review, it’s indeed one of the best t-boosting pills that support the natural production of testosterone. Certainly, it’s the best natural way to boost testosterone.

Small changes in your lifestyle can cause a massive transformation in your health.

Quitting alcohol, regular exercise and healthy eating are a few easy ways you can adopt. These not only help in increased production of the male hormone but also look after your health.

Supplement these with adequate sleep time and healthy habits can further improve the results. So, for all those men waiting to touch 30, you might start now and avoid the perils attached to low testosterone.

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