Success Rate for Knee Replacement Surgery and Long-Term Benefits

Success Rate for Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery is one of the best surgical procedures to get relief from severe knee pain.

Top orthopedic surgeons in Patna use it to help people with knee arthritis. During the procedure, the surgeon replaces the affected knee joint with a Prosthesis. This procedure not only relieves pain but also helps in restoring mobility.

It enhances the range of motion and helps people move freely. However, even after these benefits, most people wonder, if is a knee replacement worth it.

According to the best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Patna, some people hesitate to go for this procedure because it comes with some risks.

This is why in this blog we’re going to discuss the success rate for knee replacement surgery. It will help people understand whether knee replacement is a risk for them or not. 

Success Rate for Knee Replacement Surgery

To understand whether knee replacement is a risk surgery we should first know the lifespan of knee replacement.

The life span of knee replacement is 15 to 20 years. According to some studies, more than 90% of knee replacements are functioning after 15 years. This clearly shows what percentage of knee replacements are successful.

Having a 90 to 95% success rate makes it one of the most successful surgical procedures. Now you must be wondering, what is the failure rate of knee replacement surgery?

Well, only 2 in 100 people experience severe complications during or after this surgery, which leads to failure. So, it’s not wrong to say that the failure rate of this procedure is not more than 0.5 to 1%.

If you don’t want to fall into that 1% category then you must be aware of the reasons that lead to failure of this procedure. 

Factors Affecting Success Rate of Knee Replacement Surgery 

In the previous section, we discovered that the success rate of knee replacement surgery in India is more than 90%.

This means there’s still a 10% chance of your surgery being a failure. Here are some reasons that can lead to it: 

#1. Patient’s Health

According to the knee replacement statistics by age people who are over 65 have a higher rate of going through this surgery.

Patients who are at this age are generally not that physically fit. Existing health issues like diabetes and hypertension can increase the surgical risk. 

#2. Prosthesis Design and Materials

Knee replacement surgery costs fluctuate depending on the design and material of the Prosthesis.

This is because a good-quality prosthesis plays a key role in the success of the procedure and longevity. Not only that it also has a role in the overall function of the joint. 

#3. Surgeon Experience

Expertise and the experience of a surgeon are other factors that affect the success rate of knee surgery.

This is why you should always choose the best Orthopedic Doctor in Patna, like Dr. Ramakant Kumar for your surgery.

He is an experienced orthodoctor who has helped numerous people with knee joint issues. 

#4. Recovery Plan

Do you know what are the top 5 mistakes after knee replacement? If not then you must because the recovery period is as important as the treatment.

A poor recovery plan may give rise to some complications that may lead to failure. You must ask your surgeon to provide you with a recovery plan that is customized according to your specific needs.  

#5. Patient’s Lifestyle

 What is the most commonly reported problem after knee replacement surgery? Stiffness and limited range of motion are the most common problems after knee surgery.

To reduce issues like this after the surgery you must improve your lifestyle. Do regular exercise, eat healthy, and avoid smoking. 

So, these are factors that affect the success rate for knee replacement surgery. Look at which one of these factors can be improved in your case then go for the treatment.

However, if you are still not sure whether you should opt for this treatment or not then you must contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar.

Regional folks consider him the best Knee Replacement doctor Patna has ever seen.

This orthopedic doctor will tell you all the advantages and disadvantages of knee replacement surgery, which will help you make up your mind.

Remember that there are dangers in delaying knee replacement surgery and that’s why you must be quick on your decision.

To get in touch with Dr. Ramakant Kumar you must visit his official website.  

Understanding the Success Rates of Knee Replacement Procedures

Replacement surgery is indeed one of the best ways to deal with severe knee issues. However, it also comes with some complications that lead to failure. That’s one of the reasons why many people hesitate to go through this surgery.

In this blog, we have discussed the success rate for knee replacement surgery. It will help you be aware of how risky it is to opt for this procedure.

Additionally, we have also talked about the factors that affect the success rate of this procedure. Among all those factors the experience and expertise of the surgeon is the most crucial one.

That’s why you must contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar for your surgery. He is a world-class ortho-expert who has helped numerous people with severe knee issues.

This orthopedic surgery specialists in Patna is pretty popular because of his proven success rate and that’s why he is mainly overbooked.

So, hurry and book your online appointment with Dr. Ramakant Kumar through his official website.