Best Treatment for Osteoporosis 2019 | Osteoporosis Treatment Guidelines

Suffering from Osteoporosis Condition??? Read this blog to know about Best Osteoporosis Treatment Solution, Osteoporosis Diet Treatment, and Best Treatment for Osteoporosis 2019.

But before that, lets know about What is Osteoporosis, its causes and symptoms……………..

What is Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, also known as porous bone, is a condition in which the density and quality of bone are reduced. As bone become more porous and fragile, the risk of fracture is increased – such that even a mild stress, bending or coughing can cause fracture.

This bone condition can affect men (rarely) and women of all races. But, especially older women who are past menopause – are at higher risk.

Osteoporosis related fracture mostly occur in wrist, hip or spine. If the break occurs in the spinal cord, it may lead to change in posture and curvature of the spine.

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