How Exactly AI is Changing SEO?

Artificial intelligence or simply AI… is an advanced computer science that focuses on performing tasks with faster and better accuracy.

Self-driving cars, robots, span filters, recommendations, and even smart assistants like Alexa or Siri use this technology.

But wait… the uses of AI aren’t just limited to these only, even it is going to impact SEO as well in coming years.

Search engines are already on the way to integrating these technologies into their algorithms to deliver the best possible results.

Here, how AI is changing SEO, get to know what has already changed and what you can expect in coming years.

Let’s get started…

Impacts of AI on Digital Marketing (SEO)

As of today, Google alone handles more than 40,000 searches per second and delivers results accordingly.

Here, google was using an artificial intelligence-based algorithm like Rank Brain and BERT to process and deliver exact results that can benefit the user.

Let’s now have a look at the major changes that AI has brought or in its way in the field of search engine optimization.

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