Sleep and Weight Loss Relation | [9] Tips for Better Sleep

Why sleep matters when it comes to weight loss?

Sleep is an important modifiable factor that can have a profound effect on people’s health. One study found that insufficient sleep was linked with a higher risk of obesity and an increased waist size

People who were less than 8 hours a night, even though it doesn’t mean they’re going through 5-7-night cycles per day, reported a greater BMI.

Another study found that it doesn’t matter if the participants go into that immediately 18 hours of not getting any sleep or went into that after accumulating 19 hours of sleep deprivation, they all had increased levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin.

This occurs because when you’re sleep deprived your body starts to ration its energy and your mind thinks it needs to find more energy.

Let’s start exploring why sleep matters when it comes to weight loss. First, we’ll see what is the sleep and weight loss relationship?

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