How To Fix Outlook 421 Cannot Connect To SMTP Server Error

Wondering why you see SMTP response 421?  Do you know How To Fix Outlook 421 Cannot Connect To SMTP Server Error?

Does sending’ reported error (0x800ccc67) ’ the server responded 421 cannot connect to SMTP server irritate you? 

Then hey! Don’t you panic as we’ve got you covered!

In this blog, we are going to talk about the causes behind outlook error code 421. Moreover, we will also guide you on How To Fix Outlook 421 Cannot Connect To SMTP Server Error.

Firstly, what is Outlook Error Code 421?

Outlook error 421 precisely, is a common SMTP error that is likely to occur when you try to send an email in Outlook. Additionally, it occurs as a result of:

  • Antivirus program on your PC intervening in Outlook
  • Besides, it occurs with IMAP Outlook accounts with faulty SMTP configurations

Secondly, what causes SMTP error 421 connection to server failed?

Let us see below to know the causes of could not connect to SMTP host response: 421

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