Treatment for Alcohol Addiction – 6 Types of Therapies

Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

With each passing day, lots and lots of youths are getting affected by alcohol addiction.

Getting over it can be challenging but there is some treatment for alcohol addiction that can be a help.

To get over or treat this addiction one should first understand how it works. Drinking heavy alcohol disrupts the brain chemistry and influences the brain reward system.

Ethanol present in alcohol stimulates a neurotransmitter in the brain called dopamine, which is a happy hormone.

This neurotransmitter gives the feeling of satisfaction and high which makes the person use the alcoholic substance again and again.

That’s why health experts identify it as a mental health condition, which needs medical attention.

In this blog, we will tell you about some of the medical treatments that can help you or your family member to get over alcohol addiction.

Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

In India most people are confused Is alcoholism a mental illness or a disease?

Well, according to the best deaddiction Centre in Patna, it’s a kind of mental illness like depression and anxiety.

But there is no need to worry as there are treatment to fix it:

1. Talk Therapy

What are alcoholic solutions? So, there are many alcoholic solutions and treatments but, Psychotherapy is the most common and effective one.

In this particular treatment, the addict talks to a trained and qualified psychologist to express themselves.

Generally, alcoholics shy away from sharing their problems, and that is why the psychologist builds trust through the conversations so that the addicts can open up.

This whole process results in making the addict as well as the psychologist to be aware of the problem and challenges that they are facing.

2. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

we have discussed previously how alcohol affects the brain by influencing brain chemistry.

This change in brain chemistry makes drinking alcohol a habit that can only be changed through motivating the addicts.

So, the process by which the psychologist motivates and strengthens the addict to change their drinking habit is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Additionally, it also focuses on identifying the positives and negatives of addicts’ behavior and also tries to build confidence in them.

You can also read about >>> Types of therapies for addiction

3. Oral Medications

Do you know what vitamin deficiencies do alcoholics have? Yes, you read it right according to studies alcoholics have a deficiency of vitamins B6 and A.

This is why some of the addicts have to be taken care of with oral medication to deal with this deficiency.

Additionally, there are also some types of drugs that cause addicts to stop drinking alcohol and are in their last stage.

For, example disulfiram is a drug that can prevent addicts from drinking alcohol but it may not be the permanent cure.

4. Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation may sound bizarre as a treatment for alcohol addiction but these ancient Indian techniques are extremely helpful.

These techniques are more beneficial for those people who really want to get out of this addiction trap.

Yoga and meditation will help them to control their cravings and identify the triggers that lead them to drink alcohol.

This is why the many rehab center provides the environment and facility to perform yoga and meditation.

5. Family Therapy

People who want to know “how much alcohol is alcoholic?” decide with the number of drinks one has.

However, according to some health experts amount of alcohol that can affect your relationships should be considered as alcoholic.

Alcohol addiction not only damages the addict’s health but also affects the family members’ mental health too.

This is why many de-addiction centers insist on involving family members in the rehabilitation process because getting in touch with family members helps the addicts to get motivated toward a better life.

6. Art and Music Therapy

In India, art music is not just a skill but a way to express one’s feelings.

Many de addiction center provides arts and music therapy to the patients as recovery treatment.

However, in the rehab center, these ancient arts are not incorporated as just simple painting and music.

In good addiction centers arts are music are taught to alcoholics by trained therapists in a scientific way to help them with their addiction.

So, these are the 6 types of treatment for alcohol addiction and if you wish to get all these facilities in one place, then you should visit Saran Nasha Mukti Kendra as it provides the best Alcohol addiction Treatment in Patna.

You can contact this de-addiction center via its official site.


Going through this blog we get to learn about some of the best treatments for alcohol addiction.

All these treatments are helpful and effective in getting rid of this life-threatening trap.

So, if you are an addict who is reading it do consult Saran Nasha Mukti Kendra a de-addiction center in Patna to avail the benefits of all the treatments.

Additionally, one should also remember that there is nothing bad in asking for help if you are an alcohol addict.

Addiction is not a sign of poor character but it’s a mental health condition that needs proper medical attention.

We hope this blog helped you in some way and if you liked it do share it with those who you think need to read this.