Common Diseases Caused by Lack of Sleep – Effective Remedies

What diseases can be caused by lack of sleep

A range of health issues and diseases can be caused by lack of sleep, and the facts are supported by scientific studies.

Well, it’s no secret that sleep is vital for overall health and well-being, but what happens when we sacrifice it for work?

Your body will soon start to show some negative effects if you work late at night when you should be sleeping.

These effects can range from short-term consequences such as difficulty concentrating and mood swings to long-term health consequences such as an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

It is important to prioritize getting enough sleep consistently to maintain both physical and mental health.

In this blog, we will discuss the top three chronic diseases that lack of sleep can cause.

What Diseases Can Be Caused by Lack of Sleep?

Lack of sleep can make you feel sick. So, if you were thinking can lack of sleep make you feel sick, the answer to it is yes!

We all know, sleep is an essential component of good health, and when you don’t get enough sleep, your body and mind can become stressed and compromised.

This can lead to a range of health problems that can make you feel unwell, including the following three mentioned below.

1. Cardiovascular Disease

Chronic sleep deprivation and consistently sleeping less than six hours per night can increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

This is because sleep is important for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, including regulating blood pressure and inflammation.

Lack of sleep can also lead to the release of stress hormones, such as cortisol, which can further contribute to the development of heart disease.

Therefore, it is important to prioritize getting enough sleep as part of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Diabetes

Sleep deprivation, particularly chronic sleep deprivation, can also contribute to the development of insulin resistance and increased blood sugar levels, which can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

This is because sleep plays an important role in regulating the body’s hormones, including insulin, and chronic sleep deprivation can disrupt this balance.

Sleep deprivation also causes changes in hormones that regulate appetite, which can lead to overeating and weight gain, another risk factor for diabetes.

3. Alzheimer’s Disease

There is growing evidence to suggest that poor sleep may be linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Several studies have found that disrupted sleep, including sleep apnea and insomnia, may lead to the buildup of beta-amyloid protein in the brain, which is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease.

When we sleep, our brains clear away waste and toxins, including beta-amyloid.

However, if we are not getting enough high-quality sleep, this process may not occur as effectively, leading to a buildup of beta-amyloid in the brain.

Over time, this may lead to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

These are a few common diseases we see in people majorly, who lack proper sleep.  Many people also think- can lack of sleep cause flu-like symptoms.

So, lack of sleep can cause flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, and an increased susceptibility to infections.

Creating a habit of getting a good restful sleep can provide you with numerous health benefits.

Benefits of Adequate Sleep

Having a good night’s sleep is as important as eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly.

Sleep is like a restart button for our body. It resets everything and makes us feel relaxed and rejuvenated at the same time.

Getting enough sleep has a range of benefits based on leading studies. Some of them are as follows:

#1. Improve Concentration and Boost Productivity: Everyone has experienced a lack of clarity after having a bad night of sleep.

It is crucial, especially for the brain. Like any other machine, it also needs time to cool down so that it can function properly.

#2. Good For Heart Health: A study has proven how sleep deprivation can affect your heart.

For instance, less than five hours of sleep is shown to have detrimental effects with an increased risk of high BP. While, on the other hand, people who sleep for at least 7 hours are at a lower risk.

So, if you don’t want to die of heart disease, improve your sleep quality.

#3. Beneficial for Mental Health: Poor sleep and mental health conditions like depression are related because sleep is the most important thing for the brain.

Studies have shown that people who suffer from depression and anxiety tend to sleep less.

#4. Helps in Muscle Recovery: If you are a fitness freak or a professional athlete, you know the importance of recovery and how sleep plays a big role in it.

During sleep, our body goes into healing mode and it starts releasing growth hormones that help in the muscle-repairing process.

That is why many athletes tend to use some of the best sleep supplements for muscle recovery.

So, these were some important health benefits of having good sleep. That’s why, it is advisable to make improvements in your sleep and wake cycle and lead a good healthy life.

But do you know exactly how to fix this? Let’s continue further to learn how to manage the sleep-wake cycle.

How to Manage Your Sleep Cycle to Avoid Health Issues? – Remedies

There are several steps you can take to manage your sleep cycle and avoid the negative effects of lack of sleep.

Four Easy Steps to Regulate Sleep Cycle:

#1. Be consistent with your sleep schedule: No matter what day of the week, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

It’s important to note that getting enough sleep is just as important as eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly when it comes to maintaining overall health.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults between the ages of 18 and 64 get at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night for optimal health and well-being.

#2. Make Your Sleeping Environment Conducive: Set up a sleeping environment that is quiet, cool, and dark, as well as have a comfortable bed.

Develop a routine that helps you relax and wind down before bed, such as taking a warm bath, reading a book, or practicing meditation.

These will help you have a peaceful environment, and promote sound sleep.

#3. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol in the hours leading up to bedtime, as they can interfere with sleep quality. It leads to fragmented and less restorative sleep, which is not healthy.

So, while it’s okay to enjoy a cup of coffee or a drink in moderation, it’s best to avoid consuming these substances close to bedtime if you’re having trouble sleeping.

Instead, opt for decaffeinated drinks, herbal tea, or water in the evening, and try to limit alcohol consumption overall to promote better sleep.

#4. Use Sleep Aid Supplements: As we discussed earlier, many professional athletes use sleep supplements for their recovery process because these products are designed to help its user to sleep better at night.

But which one to use because there are many?

We recommend using the NooCube Sleep Upgrade.

it is made with a mixture of natural herbs, minerals, and beneficial vitamins. Furthermore, unlike other sleep supplements, it doesn’t contain any addictive substance.

Remember, it’s important to be consistent if one wishes to see NooCube Sleep Upgrade results quickly.

Following these tips will result in an improved sleep-wake cycle and better health.

People who give 7-8 hours of sleep priority tend to have good mental well-being as well. They are able to cope with stress and anxiety better.

So, with a better sleep-wake cycle, you can eliminate several diseases that may occur due to sleep deprivation.


If you’re not currently getting enough sleep, it’s worth making an effort to adjust your schedule and habits to allow for more restful, restorative sleep each night.

You will benefit in the long run from this because it will promote your physical and mental health.

In conclusion, both the quantity and quality of your sleep are essential for good health and well-being.

By prioritizing good sleep habits and making sleep a priority in your life, you can help reduce the risk of developing a range of health problems and feel more energized and productive during the day.

ALSO READ: Ways to Optimize Bedroom for Better Sleep 

Author: Sweat Guy

At Sweat Guy, we bring you in-depth reviews on specific diets, weight-loss programs, and products. Here you’ll discover unique tools and insights in your pursuit of health, wellness, and weight loss.