Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in 30s – Know The Symptoms

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in 30

You have erectile dysfunction and you are just 30? Well, firstly you are definitely in a deadly situation at this young age.

Secondly, there is no need to panic because you are not alone in this. Millions of people around the world are getting affected by this sexual disease. Earlier older men were more suspected of having ED.

But with each passing day, younger men are also getting captured by this deadly health situation.

There are many causes of erectile dysfunction in 30. According to the best Urologist in Patna, many underlying mental and physical conditions are involved in this genitourinary disorder. In this article, we will talk about them in detail. 

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in 30

Getting affected by ED at this young age will surely hurt your confidence as a man. That’s why it’s extremely important to know about the causes behind it so that you can cure it afterward: 

#1. Obesity

According to some health experts, a simple trick to cure ED is to trim down those extra pounds. 

This is because being overweight can interfere with your blood circulation, which is generally related to erectile dysfunction problems. Erection is all about a proper flow of blood circulation in the penis.

This means any health issue that can affect blood pressure can have a toll on erection. Furthermore, obesity leads to numerous conditions that are related to erectile dysfunction.

For, example high cholesterol, high BP, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.  All of these diseases have the potential to inhibit the person from having a good erection. 

#2. Smoking

Do you know what is the main cause of erectile dysfunction? Well according to health experts, smoking is surely one of the main ones.

We have discussed that anything that affects blood circulation can result in erectile dysfunction. Smoking is one of the main habits that affect the blood flow in the body.

It contracts the blood vessels which are the pathways by which blood flows in the penis. This contraction of blood vessels inhibits the flow of blood which leads to poor erection in that particular area. 

#3. Heavy Drinking 

Being an alcoholic may sound cool to this generation. But there is no denying that it causes numerous health effects. Erectile dysfunction is also one such health effect that is caused by heavy alcohol consumption.

Your nervous system plays an important role in giving you a good erection. It relaxes the arteries to the muscle which improves the blood flow in the penis.

However, alcohol components have the potential to depress the nervous system resulting in erectile dysfunction.

Furthermore, it also disrupts the hormonal balance which is another important reason behind a poor erection.  

#4. Inactive Lifestyle 

You will be shocked to know that a Sedentary lifestyle is just like the Drugs that cause erectile dysfunction in 30. Yes, you read it right, if you wish to be good in bed then you have to move your legs.

Most Indians start leaving inactive after the age of 25. Just office to home and home to office that how much they move their body. If you are also one of them, start moving out of your comfort zone and be physically active.

Physical activities improve your blood circulation throughout the body which helps in improving erectile dysfunction.

Try to incorporate even simple physical activity in your daily routine like walking or jogging. 

#5. Mental Stress 

Not only your physical health but also your mental health also plays a huge role in affecting your erection.

You must have noticed when you are in a bad mood nothing seems right and you feel like doing nothing. This happens because of an increase in the stress hormone cortisol which affects erection power too.

Furthermore, studies have suggested that stress also affects the process of brain signaling, which is essential for the body’s physical response.

When this interruption happens at the point of sexual arousal it results in weak erection.

That’s why it’s important to take care of your mental health along with your physical health if you wish to fix this problem.  

So, these were 4 important causes of erectile dysfunction in 30. However even after fixing those 4 things if you’re not seeing improvement in your ED, then you must visit a good Urology Hospital in Patna.

Big Apollo Spectra Hospital is one such health center that has helped many young men in 30 with ED. Wait no more and contact this Multispeciality hospital if you want a permanent cure for erectile dysfunction


Erectile dysfunction is indeed one of the rising health issues in men. In the past few years, men who are in their 30s are also affected by this genitourinary disorder. There can be numerous causes of erectile dysfunction in 30.

However, activities that lead to hormonal imbalance and reduce blood circulation are the main causes of weak erection.

Health experts suggest that not only your physical health but also your mental condition also has a huge impact on your erection.

But, If you believe that you are mentally and physically fit and still, your erection is weak then you must consult a professional.

Come to Big Apollo Spectra Hospital here you will have the availability of Patna’s best urologist who will help you figure out your underlying health condition that is causing ED.