Why Regular Push-ups Are Good For Your Testosterones?

do push-ups increase testosterone

Testosterone, the king of hormones, plays an important role in sex drive and sperm production in males.

They also help in maintaining bone density and muscle mass.

However, having a low testosterone level can affect your daily routines also.

It can cause osteoporosis, loss of sex drive, fatigue, diabetes, and obesity.

But, you can boost your testosterone level to avoid such negative effects.

Other than taking a well-maintained diet you should also have some good physical activities to boost it.

One such good way is to do push-ups.

Every gym-going nut can tell you the vast benefits of doing push-ups.

Not only do they boost testosterone levels, but they can also be used as a workout to reduce weights, increase muscles mass in the upper body, and strengthen the shoulder.

In this blog, we will try to find do push-ups increase testosterone levels.

But first, let’s see the effects of doing push-ups on testosterone level.

Co-Relation Between Testosterones and Push-Ups 

We all know that increased testosterone levels can help us to better perform at the gym.

According to research, 30 min of daily exercise can boost testosterone productions by 21.6%.

Other than boosting testosterone levels in males, push-ups can also promote some other health benefits.

Let’s get to know some of those in this guide on do push-ups increase testosterone.

What are the Benefits of Push-ups on Your T-Levels?  

When comes to maintaining the overall upper body, there are no exercises that come near push-ups.

The main benefit is that push-ups increase testosterone.

Here are five other health benefits of push-ups-

  1. Since it is a compound exercise it can help you to train and strengthen several muscle groups at once.

You can train your arms, chest, shoulders, core, and back all at once.

There is no need to do any separate exercises to train these. An as a large group is trained, it helps to boost T- levels.

  1. It can be a good option as a cardiovascular exercise.

As it trains a large group of muscles and those muscles will need a steady supply of blood and oxygen.

And to keep us with increased demand, your heart has to work really hard.

This will keep your heart health in check thus preventing heart attack, other heart diseases, and arterial diseases.

  1. It also helps in building bigger arms, chest, shoulders, and back.

Training all these muscles groups at once regularly decreases the chance of injury and makes everyday life easier.

  1. Do doing push-ups increase testosterone?

Absolutely, Regular push-up can help you to boost T- levels naturally.

A good level of testosterone in your body can contribute to muscle growth, hair growth, physical performance, and also help in the production of other hormones.

  1. The next benefit of doing push-up is that it also promotes the production of HGH, also called Human Growth Hormone.

HGH is necessary for healthy body growth. This hormone also helps in building lean muscle mass.

Since it’s a weight-bearing exercise, it also helps in strengthening your bones.

Strong bones are really important in preventing osteoporosis from developing in old age.

Still, how many push-ups increase testosterone?

Well, it all differs from person to person. You can start with two sets of three to five reps at maximum effort.

Push-ups aren’t boring to do at all.

They come with different variations to target different muscle groups.

Here are 6 push-up variations we have found out that can increase your testosterone levels and endurance.

6 Push-Up Variations to Increase Testosterone Level

Here are 6 different types of push-up to give a try.

  1. Strict(Military) Push-Up

  •  Strengthens the overall muscles from the upper body.
  1. Wide hands Push-up

  • Strengthens the upper body and focuses more on pectoral muscle.
  1. Diamond Push-Up

  • Focuses on triceps and core including the upper body.
  1. Pike Push-Up

  • Focuses more on shoulders.
  1. Super (Hindu) Push-Up

  • Improves flexibility of shoulders, triceps, and core.
  1. Sphinx Push-Up

  • Focuses on triceps

Our advice is that beginners should not try these variations at the starting as they can get some serious strains if performed incorrectly.

Here are some other exercises that can help you in boosting testosterone.

Exercises That Can Boost Testosterone Naturally

When feeling low in this hormone, you can try these other exercises along with a healthy diet to boost it.

Below is a list of 4 exercises that we have shortlisted for you.

  • Strength Training
  • Leg Exercises
  • Bodyweight Training
  • HIIT(High –Intensity Interval Training)

You can also take proper 7-8 hour sleep to obtain all these health benefits,

As the body needs proper rest time to maintain its function smoothly.

Now, with this, we have come to the end of this blog.

However, before we wrap up let’s recollect a few points which we have discussed above.

The Takeaway

Workouts and T- levels are correlated.

Without enough of T-Levels, you can’t maintain the healthy health of your body.

Moreover, other tips that we have discussed can also help you to boost it.

Taking all facts and research, we can conclude that daily push-ups do increase T- levels.

Well, we hope this blog on do push-ups increase testosterone helped you. For more health-related information, don’t forget to check out other blogs.

Also Read: ZMA for Boosting Testosterone 

Author: Nutri Bolism

Nutribolism helps you live a healthier, better life through food. We are dedicated to provide you factual and unbiased reviews for the latest health and diet supplement and beauty products. Get connected with us to stay fit and healthy!!

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