Foods to Eat For Addiction Recovery – How Do They Help?

Foods to Eat For Addiction Recovery

Alcohol consumption can never be a good idea neither for your health.

It can lead to various health issues and nutritional deficiency making your body weak and dependent. Thu going for alcohol detoxification is the only process that can help you in this.

Alcohol detoxification is the process of removing all the alcoholic toxins from the body through natural process and allowing the body to function without being dependent on it.

It may look like tough at start but not impossible. Along with that you can also take the help of medically certified doctor and dead diction center in getting a faster recovery form alcoholic addiction.

However before going to Foods to Eat For Addiction Recovery let us show the range of nutritional deficiency that one might suffer due to excessive alcoholic drinking.

Common Nutrition Deficiency from Alcohol Addiction 

Here are the list of nutritional deficiencies that a person goes through when being an alcohol addict or in any kind of substance abuse.

#1. Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Deficiency: 

Necessary for building metabolism and proper functioning of nervous system. In fact deficiency of thiamine can also lead to severe neuro disorder such as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

#2. Folate (Vitamin B9) Deficiency: 

Lack of Vitamin b9 in the body can affect the development of fetal in pregnant women and can also cause anemia. Further it is also responsible for production of red blood cells & DNA synthesis.

#3. Vitamin B6 & B12 Deficiency: 

It helps in building the blocks of amino acid and synthesis of neurotransmitter. Further vitamin B6 is also crucial for fighting with neuro disorders such as anemia.

#4. Magnesium Deficiency: 

Lack of magnesium can lead to muscle weakness or muscle cramps in the body. In fact magnesium is also crucial for the proper functioning of nervous system.

#5. Potassium Deficiency: 

Deficiency of potassium due to alcohol addiction can affect your heart health leading towards electrolyte imbalance.

 #6. Vitamin A Deficiency: 

Becoming an alcohol addict can also cause deficiency of Vitamin A leading to lower immune function and vision problems.

Thus in such situations it becomes crucial to take some professional help and medical attention. For that you can contact Saran Nasha Mukti Kendra – offering Best Alcohol addiction Treatment in Patna.

However along with that you also need to make necessary changes in your lifestyle for faster recovery.

Like here we have also provided a list of food items that you must include in your Healthy Eating In Recovery


Foods to Eat For Addiction Recovery

As it is said there are no shortcuts same goes here…

Following a Diet for Drug Addiction Treatment assisting in the detoxification process can be beneficial for the addicted to have a faster recovery process.

#1. Water

Drinking enough water can surely help s it will flush out all the toxins and impurities supporting the detoxification process.

#2. Fruits 

Include fresh fruits in your diet like apples, banana, oranges that are rich in antioxidant and are high in fiber. They together help in replenishing the essential nutrients and detoxification process.

#3. Vegetables

Include more green and leafy veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower and veggies that contain fibers and minerals supporting the overall detoxification process. 

#4. Whole grains

East more whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, oats, to sustain energy for your daily activities and detoxification process.

#5. Lean proteins

What Should I Eat After an Overdose?

 All those non veg lovers can include chicken, fish, and turkey in their diet for faster recovery of tissues especially during the alcohol detoxification process.

#6. Herbal teas

Sway your alcoholic drinks with herbal tea like chamomile, green tea, peppermint to gain the benefits of hydration and mentally relaxed mind.

#7. Probiotics

Fermented Foods to Eat For Addiction Recovery help in improving the gut health and also in the detoxifying process so include more of them like kefir, yoghurt and so on.

#8. Garlic and Onions

These food items are rich in sulfur compounds necessary for detoxification process of liver. 

Thus start including more of them in your diet. Other than that turmeric also has huge medicinal health benefits that you can include for Nutrition and Addiction Recovery as well.

Alcohol detoxification process can be time taking especially for those heavy drinkers but it does not mean you won’t be able to get over it. 

Get in Touch With Best Alcohol & Drug De-Addiction Centre in Patna 

Saran Nasha Mukti Kendra is the Best Rehabilitation Center in Patna offering best treatments for any kind of addictions. They also offer both inpatient and outpatient programs along with therapy session.

Further at this rehab center in Patna they offer best of the facilities, compassionate care so you don’t need to worry about What Kind of Food Do They Serve in Rehab?

With their expert team and modern technologies the addiction recovery process will be much easier and less painful for the addicted.

So what are you waiting for call us know and have a free consultation with us!