Green Coffee vs Green Tea: What’s Your Weight Loss Preference?

green coffee vs green tea

Gone are the days when people were advised to limit the consumption of caffeinated beverages when they suffered from health complications, were in their weight loss journey, or were in need of a healthier lifestyle.

The new era of health consciousness has provided people with various alternative lifestyle choices that affect their health positively. 

From making healthy eating and workout habits to changing their sleeping pattern, people are open to every effective remedy to keep their weight under control. 

One of the most preferable ones is to add or subtract beverages to their diet. This brings us to the most debatable query green coffee vs green tea for weight loss.

Generally speaking, Green coffee and green tea are not so different in their benefits.

But they have a certain level of fundamental differences in their caffeinated and chemical composition which makes them ideal for weight loss.

In fact, most of the acclaimed best over the counter appetite suppressants for women as well as for men contain green coffee and green tea. 

But how far are these true and which one is more beneficial for attaining a healthy weight?

Don’t worry, we will address all the queries one by one.

So let’s start the journey of a healthier lifestyle by adopting healthy changes and giving a try to green tea or green coffee

Green Coffee

The major difference between Green coffee and regular coffee is that it is not roasted. Hence the caffeinated amounts vary to a larger extent in both of them.

Green Coffee has Chlorogenic acid (CGA), as the most bioactive compound.

Studies have shown that CGA contains various properties like being antidiabetic.

That’s why Chlorogenic acid (CGA) eliminates the risk of type 2 diabetes, is anti-inflammatory, and hence may help reduce low-grade inflammation, and anti-obesity helps weight loss.

 It helps regulate blood sugar, controls blood pressure, has potent anti-aging effects, prevents cancer, and the richness of caffeine increases dopamine release, helping boost mood.

Green Coffee for Weight Loss

Does the consumption of green coffee actually facilitate weight loss?

Due to its high chlorogenic acid content and anti-inflammatory properties, it offers several weight loss benefits.

Chlorogenic acid improves insulin sensitivity hence reducing fat absorption.

Furthermore, it reduces glucose release in the bloodstream after meals and boosts the metabolism rate.

Try to consume in moderation to eliminate any negative effects of the same.

After getting a detailed overview of the impact of green coffee on weight loss now it’s time to have a closer view of the advantages of green tea. 

Green Tea

Green tea is extracted from the young green leaves called Camellia Sinensis.

Studies say that taking green tea for weight loss is surely a fruitful choice. It is a beverage that everyone should opt for instead of sugary or caffeinated drinks.

Green tea contains unoxidized leaves with enhanced polyphenols which have anti-inflammatory properties. 

It has ECGC, an essential flavonoid element, as the most bioactive compound with antioxidant, anti-diabetic, and antihyperglycemic properties.

 Also, it is good in antioxidants, and Vitamins like A, C, and E with a lower level of caffeine.

Consumption of green tea comes with many added benefits

Our body doesn’t produce any vitamins on its own, it must be externally sourced through food.

Green tea contains Vitamin A, B, E D, and C which helps in visionary function.

In addition, it also helps in anti-carcinogen elements,  bone health, and oral health.

People with many chronic illnesses consume it to improve digestion and elevate their mood for better freshness throughout the day.

Consumption of green tea has shown a relatively low risk of heart disease. It increases the metabolism rate and helps in weight loss as well.

Green tea helps a lot in improving hormonal imbalances caused in women during, the menstrual cycle or at the time of pregnancy.

It also slows down the aging of the skin and gives you a glow as it is extremely rich in antioxidants and these antioxidants help you to look like your younger self.

Green Tea for Weight Loss

When it comes to the best weight loss supplements for women green tea is the one that is most-liked to be preferred.

Especially when green teas have become popular due to being consumed and liked by people all over the world. 

Even different celebrities and sports personalities give positive green tea for weight loss reviews as it helped them in maintaining a good physique. 

Green tea works by making it easy for your body to break down fat and increase your metabolism process catalyzing your weight loss process.

And it contains minimal processing which helps in preserving the antioxidants and nutrients it has.

Henceforth, resulting in the healthiest drink among all the other teas for weight loss.

So, in order to resolve the battle of green coffee vs green tea for weight loss, one should try both and curate the feedback according to your taste.

Green Tea VS Green Coffee – The Conclusion

So, the question pops up which is a better drink green coffee vs green tea for weight loss?

The answer is your choice as both green coffee and green tea have almost the same benefits both of the beverages facilitate weight loss and have anti-oxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties.

Your choice may lie in the factor of ‘time is taken’ by these drinks to reduce weight.

Green coffee gives faster results as compared to green tea for weight loss.

But that does not outcast the utility and benefits of green tea either. One needs to have patience for effective results with green tea as compared to green coffee.

Weight loss is not something that only relates the overall healthiness. This process is about listening to your body and understanding its needs.

Doesn’t matter if it is green coffee vs green tea for weight loss, try it and experience the results yourself.

Everyone has a unique body and it works distinctly, this makes it your decision to choose what works best for you. 

So it’s better to get your cup and start the weight loss process with a green sip.

Well in doubt, ask yourself whether you are a tea person or a coffee person and choose one of them.