6 Tips to Recover from Complex Fracture Fast

how to recover from complex fracture fast

Are you wondering, how to recover from complex fracture fast?

So, let’s see what the Best Orthopedic Surgeon has to say on this.

When a fracture is considered “Complex” it means the bone has a multi-segmental fracture.

This can also include some tissue damage. It may also have some bone loss.

Now, you must be thinking, how much time does a complex fracture take to heal?

According to some research and data, it takes around two to three months to heal a complex fracture.

Further, since everybody is different, the healing time of complex fractures also depends on some more factors like patient age, bone condition, and so on.

If you are suffering from complex fractures and currently in Patna or nearby, you can consult the Best Orthopedic Doctor Patna. 

So, what can you do to speed up the complex fracture recovery?

Here in the upcoming section, we are sharing 6 Tips On How to Speed up Bone Healing Process.

Let’s get started with them.

6 Tips on How to Recover from Complex Fracture Fast

Healing Complex Fracture is not a simple task. It takes more time and care than other fractures.

So, those who are suffering from a complex fracture should consider these complex fracture recovering tips.

So, let’s start with the 6 Tips To Recover From a Complex Fracture Fast.

#1. Follow Proper Diet

We are not talking about just “Diet”, we are talking about “Proper Diet”.

It is a must-do in recovering from a complex fracture.

It will provide you with a good amount of nutrients that is required by your body(bone).

#2. Do Routine Exercise

Talking about exercise doesn’t mean lifting heavyweights.

It’s about some stretching a little(without putting pressure on the fracture).

Stretching will provide you with good blood circulation and it really helps bones to recover.

#3. Start Taking Antioxidants

Antioxidants help to remove radicals that are generated by tissue damage.

You can get antioxidants in your daily diet in fruits and vegetables like spinach, carrots, banana, and so on.

#4. Say No To Alcohols And Smoking

Saying no to Alcohol and Smoking is always beneficial for your health.

But it can play a crucial part in recovering from a bone fracture.

Such toxic substances can harm the blood flow in the bone, so your healing will delay.

#5. Avoid Beverages

We know many of you like beverages like soft drinks, coffee, and many more.

But it is not good for your bone fracture recovery.

You know beverages contain some elements like caffeine and sodium that don’t let calcium absorption by the bone.

And you must know how much “Calcium” is important for bones.

#6. Consult Your Doctor

Last but not the least, always try to consult your doctor timely.

As complex fracture is actually complex, you must consult your doctor before applying any tips.

Consulting with your doctor will help you with better recovery. 


If you are suffering from a bone fracture, we suggest you follow these simple tips on how to recover from complex fracture fast.

It has helped many of our patients and will help you too.

A complex fracture is really painful. We are treating this 24/7 with the Best Orthopedic Surgeon Patna. 

So if you are finding an Orthopedic Doctor in Patna you can consult Dr. Ramakant Kumar.

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