Hypertension and Mental Health: Dangers & Prevention Strategies

Hypertension and Mental Health

There is a strong correlation between hypertension and mental health with hypertension having neurological and emotional implications.

Well, as different body parts depend on blood circulation, hypertension impacts many organs of our body.

Likewise, the brain is at high risk.

A reading below 120/80 claims normal blood pressure in adults.

Elevated blood pressure refers to a reading between 120 and 129 that often makes you feel stressed out.

Thus, the Psychological Effects of High Blood Pressure promote stress, anxiety, and, in severe cases, brain stroke.

But first…

Let’s Discuss Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the fundamental force that drives oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body.

The heart pumps the blood that generates the force and arteries are the channels that transit and distribute the blood in the body.

The stature of blood pressure depends on:

  • Working of the heart’s main pumping chamber,
  • The diameter and stiffness of your arteries.

Moreover, blood pressure can fluctuate during the day.

Components of Blood Pressure

Blood pressure has two components.

When the heart is pumping blood into your arteries there is a rise in systolic blood pressure.

On the other hand, Diastolic blood pressure is recorded as low when the heart is relaxing and refilling with blood between beats.

Evaluation of both these factors is in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

Now, let’s come down to the relation between hypertension and mental health.

So, Can High Blood Pressure Affect Mental Health? Yes, and the same is true vice-versa.

Here’s a short explanation.

Stress and Hypertension

Managing stress can help control high blood pressure! Yes, believe it.

If there’s a risk of developing hypertension or you’re already diagnosed with this disease, the condition requires changes to curb stress.

High blood pressure caused by stress is one of the first signs showing a strong relation between hypertension and mental health.

In fact, managing stress can lower your blood pressure and make it easier to manage.

Hypertension can silently damage the body, cause arteries to stiffen, and pave the way for heart disease.

Reducing stress is key to keeping your blood pressure down as it can influence the disease’s development in various ways.

So, stress has a direct relation to hypertension, and it’s bad for your heart and circulatory system.

Two-way communication is maintained by our body and brain.

The affected brain can affect the entire body and vice versa.

When you go through emotional stress, your blood pressure rises.

Moreover, many health surveys reviewed that patients with hypertension report more feelings of stress and anxiety than those without hypertension.

The way you acknowledge stress can enormously impact your blood pressure.

Negative impact on blood pressure and increased risk of hypertension include:

  • Smoking,
  • drinking too much alcohol, and
  • eating unhealthy foods

Avoid these habits if you’re worried about your blood pressure.

Instead of these activities, adopt those habits that reduce stress and help you feel better, and lower your blood pressure.

Things to Do to Prevent Hypertension

Some activities that are a barrier to stress and can help in Preventing High Blood Pressure are:

#1. Intake of a Healthy Diet

A good diet is all you need for good health. Adding fruits and salad is essential.

Take your diet on time as breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Remember not to escape this most important factor.

Certain foods, especially those high in potassium and magnesium, reduce your blood pressure level.

Some foods are:

  • Leafy greens,
  • berries,
  • beans,
  • lentils,
  • seeds,
  • fatty fish,
  • citrus fruits, and
  • carrots

Adding these to your meals and snacks may help you reach optimal blood pressure levels.

#2. Exercise

It is beneficial to our overall health in many ways.

Exercising 3-5 days a week lowers stress and blood pressure.

The best way to get exercise is to involve in a physical activity you enjoy. It can be any activity, such as:

  • Swimming,
  • biking,
  • dancing,
  • walking
  • running
  • hiking, and
  • rock climbing

The above activities help in blood pumping.

Choose such activities that you enjoy, and you’re much more likely to stick with them and reap the fruits.

#3. Minimize Work Stress

Job worries. Not a big deal!

Doing work that you love makes you the best in your field and minimize stress and hypertension.

Assess your capacity and work accordingly.

#4. Yoga and Meditation

Some activities like yoga, meditation, and massage are stressbusting.

It significantly lowers stress and blood pressure when you make them a regular part of your lifestyle.

Yoga involves poses and breathing that slow your heart rate and lower cortisol (the stress chemical).

Research suggests that yoga may modestly reduce high blood pressure.

This can help to lower the risk of heart problems, hypertension, and stress.

In fact, many people admit that yoga and meditation help them to reduce stress and anxiety.


Stress and hypertension are the most common issues nowadays.

It affects a large population and is critical in many ways.

Stress and Hypertension affect different parts of the body including the brain and arteries.

Plus, stress provokes hypertension, and vice versa.

A healthy routine and diet to minimize the risks are one of the first steps.

Meanwhile, you can also try managing your stressful situations with calming activities like meditation and breathing.

For more such tips on disease management with simple lifestyle improvements, visit us at Horizon Clinics.

Author: Horizon Clinics

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