How Much Does It Cost To Install Solar Panels In Australia?

Solar Panels Cost

Solar panels are gaining more and more momentum. Not just in Australia, but across the world, solar is being touted as the solution to so many of our energy concerns. And it’s not hard to see why.

Solar panels offer a way to convert the sun’s rays into usable and reliable electricity.

Solar Panels are becoming more cost-effective with every passing year.

So just how much will it cost to power your home or business with solar?

Well, that can be a difficult question to answer.

Solar panels are assessed on a house by house basis. In every case, solar is a tailored solution that needs to be perfectly suited to the house it’s powering.

Nevertheless, we can take some of the baseline costs of solar, and try to work out how much it’ll cost on average.

 So let’s take a look at How Much Do Solar Panels Cost In Australia. Hopefully, with this information, you’ll be able to gain some idea of what solar is likely to cost you.

The Price of Solar Panels Cost In Australia

It’s simple; the panels you purchase for solar PV systems only make up a partial amount of the total cost of a solar PV system.

The additional costs are made up of the following components:

#1: Mounting System

The mounting system actually connects the solar panels to your roof.

A crucial component of a solar array, your mounting system will be subjected to major environmental stresses such a hail and wind over the next 25 years.

As such, it’s vital to invest in high quality, corrosion mounting system to ensure the durability of your solar PV system.

#2: Electrical Components

The full amount of installing a solar PV system also includes an assortment of wires, cables, isolators, breakers, switches, and an inverter, which is frequently referred to as BOS or Balance of System

An inverter lies at the heart of a solar PV system, and is the workhorse that converts the DC electricity your panels generate, into AC electricity the appliances in your home use.

The extra electrical components in the BOS ensure your new solar PV system works safely and efficiently.

#3: Installation

It’s a condition of most panel warranties that your panels are installed by an experienced electrician.

Plus, you’re only eligible to receive STCs if your panels are installed by CEC approved electrician.

Paying for an experienced electrician also ensures your system performs safely for years to come.

The price of the solar system, of course, depends on how big the size and installation process are. Or, in other words, how many Kilowatts (kW)  of solar panels you want to install will fluctuates the cost.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost In Australia?

Due to dissimilarity in quality, prices can change greatly between solar panels of the same or similar wattage.

In Australia, the price of a top-quality system can range from the following:
    System Size Number Of Panels Price Range Best For
5 kW Solar Panels 17 Panels $4300* Small Family
6.6 kW Solar Panels 22 Panels $2999* Average Family
10 kW Solar Panels 34 Panels $7740* Large / Small/ Medium Scale Business

Besides, the Australian government is running different offers to persuade people to go solar. Of course, these rebates will further reduce the cost.

These are the best solar system NSW packages you can pick for your energy requirements.

#1: 5 kW Solar Panels

Well, 5kw Solar Panels assembly has quite a compact size requiring minimum roof space.

In fact, the system comprises only 17 solar panels that supply adequate energy for your daily needs ranging from 22-22 units.

#2: 6.6 kW Solar Panels

The 6.6 kW solar panels generate more than 24kW daily depending on weather conditions.

Having 22 panels, the system doesn’t require grandeur space to fit in making it the most preferred choice for average energy needs.

#3: 10kW Solar Panels

The 10kW Solar Panels is a more favorable choice because of its factors. It has 34 panels and requires extensive space.

Well, the most exciting fact is its daily energy production ranges from 39 kWh to 46 kWh.

Looking For Best Solar System Installer In NSW?

Solar Beam, the best Solar Panels Installer NSW, offers you best solar solutions at affordable prices.

Moreover, our top-notch services are designed to fulfill energy demands while giving you the highest ROIs on your investment.

Contact Us @1300-004-077 Right Now For The Best Solar Power Solutions & Solar Systems Prices!!

Author: Solar Beam

Solar Beam is Australia’s#1 solar panel installer providing best and affordable solar solution to the homeowners, entrepreneurs, and their communities. The shift towards clean, affordable and reliable power in the NSW is most noticeable in the fast expansion of solar panels mounted on the tops of homes and organizations.

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