Factors Causing Psoriasis (Symptoms, Pictures & Treatment)

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition that speeds up the life cycle of skin cells which causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. This build-up of cells results in scaling on the skin’s surface and bumpy red patches covered with white scales.

Further, they mostly appear on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back.

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Psoriasis Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Looking for best Psoriasis Treatment in India?? Go through the blog, as it comprises detailed info on Psoriasis disease and its respective treatment…

Psoriasis is a disease that causes red, scaly Patches to appear on the skin. Psoriasis is an Immune- Mediated Disease. If one has Psoriasis disease, it can typically affects the outside of his/her elbow, knees or scalp of his head. However It can affect anywhere on the human body.

Some people tells that Psoriasis is itchy, burns and stings. Sometimes Psoriasis is associated with some other serious health conditions such as Diabetes and depression. It can also be associated with heart disease sometimes.

If you are having any rash which doesn’t go away after proper medication, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Because it can be Psoriasis.

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For All Types of Psoriasis and Their Treatment – NYGELIS is Best

Psoriasis is a distressing, relapsing dermatological disease with a particular curative topical or systemic treatment. It affects 1% to 3% of the world’s population. Although people quote it as a benign disorder, it has a severe effect on the quality of life. Various drug regimens are used with several benefits such steroids which are effective and rapidly clearing skin lesions but distressing side effects and relapse of the disorder is inevitable. Other treatments of different types of Psoriasis and treatment to them are either expensive or having even more severe side effects such as hydroxyurea, retinoids, methotrexate, and infliximab.

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What Is Psoriasis Skin Treatment

Bored of psoriasis treatment in Ayurveda, new psoriasis treatment 2018 and Curious about how to cure psoriasis permanently. Yup, a miracle skin treatment found. If you are not aware about this, here you will get to know what is psoriasis skin treatment or you can say miracle treatment.

Before jumping on the psoriasis treatments, it’s essential to understand the symptoms and cause of disease so that you can follow proper psoriasis treatment diet. After that you will get to know about Psoriasis Treatment in India.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

If you develop a rash that doesn’t go away with after several medication, you should consider contacting your doctor. Your doctor will look for raised, red scales with well-defined edges, and will consider how the rash responds to medication after that you will get to know the type of psoriasis you have. Plaque psoriasis is most often found on the outside of knees and elbows, the lower back, the scalp, the face, the palms and soles of feet. When biopsied, you will see the difference that psoriasis skin looks thicker and inflamed compared with eczema.

There are a variety of psoriasis types. To understand the disease completely let’s move on to the types of Psoriasis.

Types of Psoriasis

Here below is the type of psoriasis, it will give you the detail idea that how you can differentiate between the types.

Plaque: This is the most general type of psoriasis. You will notice thick, red patches of skin covered by flaky, silver-white scales.

Erythrodermic: This is a rare type of psoriasis. In Erythrodermic, skin redness is very intense and can cover your entire body with a red, peeling rash that can itch or burn intensely.

Guttate: This affects people younger than thirty and is generally triggered by a bacterial infection like strep throat. It’s marked by small sores on the trunk, scalp, legs, and arms.

Inverse: Symptoms of inverse psoriasis includes skin redness and irritation in the armpits, groin, and in between overlapping skin. It’s more common in overweight people and is worsened by sweating and friction.

Pustular: This is a rare type of psoriasis that can occur in large patches. Generally it develops pus-filled blisters after your skin becomes red and tender.

Nail: The nails of toes and fingers become pitted. They can grow in abnormal manner with discoloration. As a result, Psoriatic nails may become loose and fall off.

Scalp: Generally, Psoriasis on the scalp appears as red, itchy areas with silvery-white scales. If you try to scratch your scalp, flakes of dead skin will fall to your shoulders.

You know the details but do not try psoriasis treatment at home, it can harm you badly. Now, come to the part of causes and recommended diet.

Causes and recommended diets for psoriasis

A combination of things, including genetic predisposition and environmental factors, are involved. Generally, it ran through generations. However, defects in the immune system and the control of inflammation are thought to play major roles.

Psoriasis Treatment Diet

Some studies suggest that antioxidants, like vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and selenium, can make a difference. And some other research suggests especially fatty acids from fish oil can be helpful.
Anti-inflammatory foods are usually healthy, so it shouldn’t hurt to give them a try.

They include:

  1. Fruits and veggies, especially berries, cherries, and leafy greens
  2. Salmon, sardines, and other fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  3. Antioxidant-rich herbs and spices, like thyme, sage, cumin, and ginger
  4. Heart-healthy sources of fat, like olive oil, seeds, and nuts

Here are some foods can make inflammation worse

Eat less of these listed food:

  1. Processed foods and refined sugars
  2. Fatty cuts of red meat
  3. Dairy

How to cure psoriasis fast? Follow the above recommendation with psoriasis treatment cream.

Now, it’s time for what is psoriasis skin treatment or you can say miracle skin treatment.

How to Cure Psoriasis Permanently

Apart from all best psoriasis treatment in India, NYGELIS can assure you the permanent treatment. However, you may check the reviews of several dermatologist and patients, they termed NYGELIS as best treatment for psoriasis in India. Because it contains Nigella Sativa Extract and that is a proven miracle.

After applying this you will never search psoriasis cream India.

It is available as Gel Cream and Capsule.

For better result use both Gel Cream and Capsule.

Now, you know what is psoriasis skin treatment as well as best treatment of psoriasis in India. So, go for NYGELIS and make your skin Healthy and Happy.