4 Effective Remedies to Reduce Knee Pain at Home

reduce knee pain at home

People follow several remedies and tips to reduce knee pain at home as it is a prevalent type of pain, especially in old age.

However, there could be several causes of knee pain, such as injury, inflammation, arthritis, etc.

Another cause of knee pain is osteoporosis (a condition in which bones become weak and brittle and may tend to fracture easily).

Osteoporosis usually occurs as you age because bones lose their strength and density in old age.

Moreover, knee pain becomes a part of life as it never goes. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything to relax from it.

Thus, to help you get rid of knee pain, this blog will share the most effective remedies and tips to reduce knee pain at home.

Indeed, these tips can also be home remedies for knee pain in old age.

So, let’s get started!

4 Tips to Reduce Knee Pain at Home

Professional recommends several knee pain home remedies Indian to get rid of the pain.

However, every remedy is not for everyone, as everyone suffers from a unique knee pain condition.

Keeping that in mind, here we have discussed the most common tips to reduce knee pain that anyone can follow with ease.

Note: These knee pain remedies are beneficial for low or mild pain, and if you are experiencing severe knee pain, you must consult the best orthopedic doctor in Patna.

Now, let’s start with the first tip to reduce knee pain at home!

#1. Follow a Weight Loss Diet

The knees are one of the most functional joints in the body, which bear most of the body weight. And putting some extra weight on them can cause pain.

So, a doctor suggests that if you’re overweight, you must try to lose weight, and for that, you can follow a weight loss diet.

Here is some knee pain home remedies food that you should add to your weight loss diet:

Eggs without yolk: It contains almost every required vitamin and mineral.

Green vegetables: All kind of green vegetables helps in weight loss, such as cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and more.

Soya beans: It contains enough protein and Calcium that the body requires.

Fresh fruits: Eating Avocados, apples, and more can help in both weight loss and bone health.

Thus, these are some foods you can include in your weight loss diet and help improve bone health.

#2. Increase Calcium and Vitamin D Intake

Calcium and Vitamin D are essential to improve and maintain the strength and density of bones.

In fact, bones are made up of Calcium, and Vitamin D helps bones to absorb Calcium.

We already know that weak bone and lower bone density is a major causes of knee pain.  

Moreover, the deficiency of calcium and Vitamin D in the body can cause weak bone and lower bone density.

So, if you are experiencing consistent knee pain, you must increase your calcium and vitamin D intake.

For that, you need not take supplements; here are some foods that you can eat to maintain a good level of calcium and vitamin D in the body:

  • Knee pain home remedies foods that provide Calcium are spinach, kale, okra, collards, soybeans, white beans, sardines, salmon, perch, rainbow trout, orange juice, oatmeal, and more.
  • Knee pain home remedies foods that provide Vitamin D are tuna, mackerel, salmon, dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, cereals, cheese, egg yolks, etc.

Thus, these foods provide the body with enough calcium and vitamin D to maintain the health of the bones.

#3. Try Exercises and Yoga

Exercises and yoga are the two best physical activities that can prevent knee pain in the first place.

And people who suffer from knee pain must try exercise and yoga regularly.

However, many think exercising and yoga may increase knee pain! But it is not correct.

Research shows that doing physical activities (exercise and yoga) can improve the overall condition of bone health.

Some exercises and yoga pose to reduce knee pain at home are:

  • Exercises to reduce knee pain: Walking, cycling, swimming, tai chi, knee bends, hamstring stretch, leg raise, etc.
  • Yoga poses to reduce knee pain at home: Uttanasana, Virabhadrasana III, Upavistha Konasana, Anjaneyasana, Supported Half Moon Pose, Mountain pose, and more.

Thus, these are some exercises and yoga poses that can help you strengthen your knees and reduce knee pain at home.

Before following any exercise or yoga pose, you must consult the best Orthopedic Doctor in Patna for a complete diagnosis of your condition.  

After diagnosis, the doctor will suggest the best exercises and yoga poses to improve your knee health.

Hence, these are the best tips to reduce knee pain at home.


Knee pain is very common, especially in old age.

Data shows that more than 32% of men and 58% of women suffer from knee pain.

However, there could be various causes of knee pain, such as injury, inflammation, age, gender, and more.

So, you should follow the tips to reduce knee pain at home to eliminate knee pain (mentioned above).

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