Signs and Symptoms of Trauma from Childhood Bullying

Trauma from childhood bullying

Bullying has a long-lasting impact on everyone involved – the person being bullied; bystanders who are witnessing a person being bullied; and sometimes even the person who bullies.

In fact, bullying is an Adverse Childhood Experience, which is a potentially traumatic event and can have negative.

These traumatic events can have lasting effects on a person’s development, the way they interact with others, and how they perform in school.

Moreover, according to researches and studies that are done on bullying, it shows that children reporting ACEs are more likely to display bullying behavior.

In this blog, we take a look at some of the Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults.

Understanding Trauma from Childhood Abuse

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has defined trauma as a result of an event, or set of circumstances that individual experiences, physically or emotionally harmful or life-threatening.

These experiences might have long-lasting adverse effects on a person’s mental, physical, emotional, social, or spiritual wellbeing.

Moreover, childhood traumatic stress occurs when traumatic events engulf a child’s ability to cope, such as:

  • Physical, sexual, or psychological abuse in childhood
  • Domestic violence in childhood
  • Social, community, or school violence, such as Trauma from Childhood bullying
  • Natural disasters, terrorism, or war experience
  • Sudden loss of loved ones, Serious accidents, or life-threatening illness experience

While each child may react differently to trauma, parents or caretakers must be able to recognize some Symptoms of Repressed Trauma, if possible.

Signs of Repressed Trauma

Both Memory and Trauma are complicated terms that researchers are still working to understand to explore links between the two.

If you feel like you’re having trouble recalling an early memory and you don’t remember any traumatic event, consider reaching out to a licensed therapist.

A Good Therapist is someone who will help you to explore your repressed memories without troubling you and leading you in any particular direction.

In your initial meetings with the therapist, make sure to mention anything unusual you’re experiencing, both physically and mentally.

Following mentioned are some of the symptoms of Trauma from childhood bullying:

  • sleeping issues and disorders, such as insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, or nightmares
  • low confidence and low self-esteem
  • mood swings, such as sadness, irritation, anger, along with depression
  • Problems with concentration and memory and confusion in decision making
  • Some an unexplained pain, especially fatigue, tense or aching muscles

Also, always keep in mind, an ethical therapist is not someone who will coach you through memory recollection.

They should always be unbiased, no matter what. An ethical therapist won’t immediately suggest your symptoms are the result of abuse, without taking time to consider it in therapy.

So, the above-mentioned points were some of the Signs You Have Repressed Memories.

What Helps After Trauma from Childhood Bullying?

Following mentioned are some approaches that might help children who have experienced trauma or bullying:

  • Make sure that your child is in a safe environment to prevent future bullying experiences.
  • Try to talk with them or talking therapy sessions to know what happened to help clear up the misconceptions about their role in the traumatic event, if any.
  • Teach them how to manage stress and some relaxation techniques, to help them with their repressed memories.

Moreover, some children may also need professional help from Therapists or Psychiatrists to treat stress related to bullying and/or other traumatic experiences.

The Bottom Line

A crucial part of your recovery is to move beyond what has happened to you in the past.

While it is obvious to admit how bullying impacts an individual both physically and mentally, one should always try to detach from it as soon as possible.

The bullying you experienced does not definitely define who you and your personality. Instead, you should rediscover who you are and should close the doors to your past.

We understand that childhood bullying leaves a deep scar on children’s minds.

And its recovery isn’t that quick, especially if you haven’t deal with the bullying when it occurred.

So, celebrate your every progress, no matter how small they are, and give yourself both time and space to heal. The changes might seem small and slow but they are still changing.

One day you will definitely wake up and see a totally new person in the mirror, and that’s a moment worth everything.

So, this was all about today’s blog on “Trauma from childhood bullying“. Do let us know your views in the comment section box below.

Author: Horizon Clinics

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