How Does Weight Lifting Benefit Women? (Myths to Avoid)

Benefits of weightlifting for females

Do Weightlifting Benefits females in maintaining their overall well-being? Read here…

Weightlifting is a great way to get strong and build muscle mass in any individual.

But did you know, it also has some surprising health benefits for women? In addition to building lean muscles, it can improve bone density, reduce stress levels, and also increases energy.

It is well known that lifting weights makes us look bulky and masculine. But Luckily, it has some positive sides too. With time women are experiencing unexpected benefits of weight training.

Also when we compared its benefits to the group of ladies who don’t lift weights we found they lose less fat from their midsection. 

This is because weightlifting increases metabolism and boosts endurance. Eventually, it improves flexibility and helps an individual to burn calories throughout the day.

Undoubtedly, there are lots of benefits associated with weightlifting for women.

Here in this blog, we’re going to uncover all the hidden benefits of weightlifting for females.

Benefits of Weightlifting for Women

weight lifting for women

Studies and researches claim that there are plenty of benefits of weightlifting in women.

It is mainly a type of exercise that can help an individual to strengthen the body, build strong bones, and improve the cardiovascular system. Moreover, it also improves mental health and reduces stress levels.

Below we’ve listed some of the potential benefits of weightlifting for women.

#1. Builds Strength

It’s not just for men, weightlifting can help women get stronger and improve their posture.

Women have different body types than men, so they need to lift weights differently. Men tend to lift heavier weights at higher reps, while women build muscle with light weights.

Whereas, women should consider performing heavier weight lifting to get instant results. 

It includes weightlifting exercises such as squats and deadlifts. Deadlifts are similar to squats, except you lift your hips off the floor instead of bending your legs.

Your goal with deadlifts is to raise as much weight as possible without putting strain on your joints. On the other hand, squatting is a movement where you bend your knees and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Try these two types of weightlifting and see the miraculous gains in your muscle strength.

#2. Burn Calories

Weightlifting burns calories in women and helps them lose weight. This is because when women lift weights, they burn more calories than when they do other exercises. 

Lifting weight also helps women build muscle, and burn more calories.

Also, it covers the daily caloric requirements of an average woman by burning an excessive amount of calories in the body. Lifting weights eliminate fat cells and reduce belly fat even more than cardio.

#3. Burn Fat

Weightlifting is equally beneficial for losing fat. It burns abdominal fat, particularly visceral fat, which surrounds internal organs.

Visceral fat is sometimes associated with obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke.

Moreover, it activates the natural metabolism and gives a boost to calorie burn naturally. 

These effects are more visible in women.

#4. Strengthen Bones

In women, estrogen is what keeps bones strong. As a woman ages, the body naturally produces less estrogen. 

As a result, women have been more vulnerable to suffering from osteoporosis due to a lack of exercise. The strengthening and prevention of bones by weightlifting is now scientifically proven.

It is important to note that weight training should never be done without proper supervision. Women who lift weights regularly tend to have a lower risk of osteoporosis.

#5. Improve Athletic Performance

It is well known that weightlifting improves athletic performance. Henceforth, the women who lift weights have an advantage in sports. It improves speed, agility, and quickness. This is for some obvious reasons. 

As mentioned above, lifting weights helps to build muscle, and muscle is key for these types of activities.

Stronger muscles also help to protect the joints, which is important in preventing injuries. Thus, it improves overall athletic performance and health.

Lifting weight is a great way to push yourself off limits and get good gains. But eventually, there are some myths that are out there related to weightlifting for women. Have a glance over the same. 

Myths Related to Women Weightlifting

Benefits of Weightlifting

These are some of the most popular myths in the market. Listen to them, but don’t believe in them.

#1. It Will Make You Look Like A Man

This myth is based on the idea that lifting weights makes you look masculine. However, this isn’t true.  Women who lift weights still have many physical differences from men who do. In fact, they may even have less muscle mass than men.

#2. It Will Make You Bulky

Another myth about women lifting weights is that it will make them bulky. Again, this is not true. Lifting weights does not cause women to gain extra body fat. Instead, it helps build lean muscle mass, which is good for both men and women.

#3. Older Women Should Avoid This

The final myth about women lifting weights says older women shouldn’t lift weights. This is simply false. There’s no evidence which proves lifting weights is bad for older women. In fact, many studies have shown, older people who lift weights live longer and healthier lives.

In conclusion, avoid any rumors or myths. Weightlifting will not make you bulky or manly, and yes, it is also best for older women.


Performing resistance training, especially with heavy weights, can come with many health benefits for both genders.

It includes lower fat mass levels, improved muscle tone, and muscular strength.

Therefore, in reality, it has great benefits of weightlifting for females.

In this Blog, we’ve discussed some myths which you should definitely ignore to get the better of weight lifting.

We hope you enjoyed our blog post on the benefits of weightlifting for females.

The blog also includes some suggestions for the best types of weightlifting exercises to build strength. Kindly let us know if you have any questions in the comments.

READ NEXT: Common Strength Training Myths


Author: Sweat Guy

At Sweat Guy, we bring you in-depth reviews on specific diets, weight-loss programs, and products. Here you’ll discover unique tools and insights in your pursuit of health, wellness, and weight loss.

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