Are DHT Blockers Safe for Males? 3 Common Side Effects

Side effects of DHT blocker on males

DHT Blockers are becoming popular among men in recent days, and it has become a point of concern.

Science have proved uses DHT blocking substance is an effective way to treat hair loss in males.

But have you ever considered the side effects of DHT blocker on males? If you’ve ever wondered about the potential negative consequences of DHT blockers, then you are at the right place.

You must know that DHT is related to the male sex hormone testosterone and blocking DHT will surely somehow affect sexual health.

So, whether you are just curious about using the process or about the potential consequences, this blog will be helpful for you.

Knowing all the pros and cons before starting any particular therapy is extremely important.

So, go through the discussion and learn more about some DHT blocker side effects. But let us first know what are these DHT blockers.

What are DHT Blockers?

It is important to know about DHT itself before getting into its blockers. So, DHT which is also known as Dihydotestosterone, is a specific form of testosterone.

This substance plays a crucial role in male pattern baldness and it can also lead to other androgenic issues.

DHT, the potent hormone, is derived from testosterone and it is typically present in the scalp, prostate, and hair follicles. So, this was all about DHT.

Now comes DHT blockers. Well, DHT blockers are the specific substances that are used for inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

There are certain natural DHT blocker foods like pumpkin seeds and saw palmetto, which are typically used in improving DHT’s negative consequences.

But why do men are obsessed with DHT blockers?

Why Do Men Want to Block DHT?

DHT, the derivative form of testosterone, contributes to the development of certain male characteristics.

Studies suggest that DHT can be responsible for facial hair growth, deepening of voice, and muscle development.

But if the DHT level becomes excessive in amount, then it can lead to certain adverse effects.

The most prominent of them is hair thinning and male pattern baldness.

This is the most common cause of why men opt for DHT blockers as DHT can bind to the hair follicles and it leads to the shrinkage of hair follicles and ultimately baldness.

But does blocking DHT regrow hair or it’s just a myth? Well, studies have proved that DHT blocker substances like finasteride can be helpful in regrowing hair.

But one must remember that, while blocking DHT can become extremely important in certain situations and may be an effective solution, they do come with a wide range of side effects.

So, before making up your mind regarding the use of this substance, it is kind of crucial to know about DHT blocker side effects in depth.

Side Effects of DHT Blocker on Males

negative effects of DHT blocker

Although it’s a good thing to focus on the positive aspects of anything, this is certainly not applicable to medical treatments and therapies.

The same goes with the DHT blockers too. No matter how prominent their impact can be, you must also consider the side effects.

Some of the most prominent side effects include:

1. Reduces The Anabolic Effects of Testosterone

Let’s start with the most prominent aspect of DHT blockers, which is preventing hair fall and thinning of hair.

But things are not as linear as it may sound. Although, after using DHT blockers you may experience hair growth, that doesn’t necessarily mean that there are no remaining chances of hairfalls.

Certain DHT blockers, which have been specifically used for increasing hair growth, like Finasteride, can in several instances lead to hair loss.

It is not blocking the DHT only rather it is also reducing the anabolic effects of testosterone, which plays an important role in such aspects.

Thus, the side effects of DHT blocker on male hair loss is quite a common thing and everyone must take prior precautions.

2. May Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction or ED is a common sexual issue in recent times and this situation can be triggered by a variety of aspects.

DHT blockers can be a reason behind it too. The risk of erectile dysfunction comes with the high dosage of DHT blockers for a prolonged period.

This usually happens as DHT is a derivative form of testosterone, and it regulates male sexuality and certain masculine characteristics.

Therefore, if someone is using DHT blockers like dutasteride, finasteride, and spironolactone without proper guidelines, then they may experience this issue.

It’s particularly relevant for aging people.

3. Decrease in Overall Libido

Another common sexual side effect that has a link with DHT blockers is a decrease in overall libido or the loss of interest in sex.

As we have already mentioned, the DHT level is to some extent necessary in maintaining masculinity traits in males, and the natural libido also comes under this.

Thus, by consuming a higher dosage of DHT one can negatively impact the sexual wellness of men.

DHT blockers like bicalutamide, and finasteride can have prominent side effects in decreasing overall libido.

Not only this, it can also lead to abnormal ejaculation and even difficulty in ejaculating.

These are among the long-term side effects of DHT blocker on males.

Apart from these, some prominent DHT-blocking substances like dutasteride, flutamide, and bicalutamide can lead to some other serious side effects like anxiety, fatigue, breast tenderness, blood clotting, and liver issues.

But it is also pivotal to note that the occurrence and the severity of the side effects vary from person to person and it depends on the individual body type and need.

Thus, before opting for any kind of DHT blocker, be it natural or artificial, it will be better to ask a doctor first, about how to stop hair loss in men naturally.

If those methods don’t work then you should rely on DHT blockers, with proper medical guidance.

Final Thought

So, we have tried to give you a brief idea about what can be the potential side effects of DHT blocker on males and how they can impact male well-being.

We can understand that under certain circumstances, it becomes the only possible option to block the DHT.

There is not a single fit answer regarding whether it is the right approach or not.

But no matter what you decide, make sure that you are well aware of the possible pros and cons.

However, to minimize the potential side effects, you must always undertake the process under expert guidance.

Hope you find this blog helped you to know about some side effects of DHT blocker in males.

If you find it informative do share it with those who are planning to use DHT blockers for hair regrowth.

Author: Horizon Clinics

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