How Much Does Hip Joint Replacement Cost in Patna? Know Here

hip replacement surgery cost in Patna

Living with constant hip pain is not easy, it interferes with your day-to-day life, which leaves you mentally exhausted.

Severe hip joint issues like arthritis can make even simpler tasks like tying your shoes a painful one.

Fortunately, medical science has numerous treatments to deal with this issue.

However, not all of them work as a permanent salutation. Hip replacement surgery is one such treatment that helps to fix hip joint issues permanently.

According to a Hip Replacement Surgeon in Patna, this treatment is one of the most successful procedures in medical science.

Choosing this treatment will be the best decision for getting rid of the hip joint pain.

However, it’s a major surgery and there is no denying that it costs a handsome amount.

Having an idea about the hip replacement surgery cost in Patna will help you manage your finances and prepare for treatment more perfectly.

Hip Replacement Surgery Cost in Patna 

hip replacement cost in Patna

How much does hip joint replacement cost in Patna? Well honestly speaking it’s not possible to know an accurate answer to this question.

We can’t just come to a conclusion without being aware of the cost of all the orthopedic clinics and hospitals in Patna.

Additionally, the cost also varies depending on different factors. For example, the type of surgery, severity of the condition, patient’s health, and many more.

But, we can definitely, give you an idea about the average cost of hip replacement in Patna.

The minimum cost will be from 20 to 50 thousand and it can go up to 2 to 3 lakhs.

Keeping these prices in mind we can say that the average cost of hip replacement in Patna will be around 80 thousand to 1.2 lakhs.

However, the story doesn’t end here a major surgery like this doesn’t only cost money, it costs time too.

Being aware of the recovery time along with the cost is also very important to prepare for the big day.

How Much Recovery Time for Hip Replacement 

How much does a new hip cost?” can’t be just decided based on money as time is also a form of currency which is more important.

Hip replacement surgery takes about 2 to 3 hours maximum, which is not a big deal.

But do you know how long is bed rest after hip replacement? Well, it also depends on many factors but almost every patient needs two weeks of proper bed rest after the surgery.

A full recovery will take you almost 8 months to 1 year. However, if you are a healthy individual then 2 to 3 months will be enough for you to perform daily activities.

Now you must be wondering “Can I run after hip replacement?” well for this you have to talk to your health experts as these types of activities may lead to some complications.

Complications of Hip Replacement Surgery 

At the start of the blog, before discussing the hip replacement surgery cost in Patna, we told you that it is one of the most successful procedures in medical science.

But, is hip replacement completely safe? well, we should not forget that every surgery has the risk of complications and hip replacement is no different.

Hip replacement surgery can lead to complications like:

  • Blood Clots 
  • Infection
  • Fracture 
  • Dislocation
  • Nerve Damage 
  • Change in Leg Length 

Apart from these complications loosening of the implanted hip joint can also be a possibility.

However, it’s a rare complication that needs another surgery to get fixed.

Yes, you read it right some complications can demand another surgery and that’s why it’s important to know whether you are a good candidate for this surgery or not.

Who Needs Hip Replacement Surgery? 

There is no denying that hip pain can disrupt your life, but it’s also important to understand that not every hip pain needs surgery as a treatment.

Before searching for “How painful is a hip replacement?” you must try to know if you are even a good candidate for hip replacement.

So, here’s what makes Peron a good candidate for hip replacement:

  • You have tried all the conservative treatments but nothing seems to work.
  • This pain is getting worse day by day and interfering with your life.
  • You are experiencing pain throughout the day even in the rest.
  • Make sure you are not a higher-weight person as the procedure is not for people with higher BMI.
  • The doctor has diagnosed you with Osteoporosis, which needs surgery as a treatment.

One must also be aware of what age is best for hip replacement because health experts generally encourage their patients to delay it until the age of 60 to avoid revision surgery.

So, these were all the criteria that make the person a good candidate for hip replacement.

If any one of them sounds familiar to you then wait no longer and contact a good Hip Replacement Doctor in Patna.

This is because the pain will get more severe and worse with time, which will become unbearable for you.

But, do you know who is the best hip replacement doctor in Patna?

Best Doctor for Hip Replacement Surgery in Patna – Dr Ramakant Kumar

There is no denying that this city is full of orthopedic doctors who claim to be experts in their field.

But, it’s not hidden from you that these claims are nothing but just a marketing gimmick to lure the patients.

However, fortunately, we have Dr Ramakant Kumar who is not a self-proclaimed best orthopedic doctor in Patna.

The people of this city have given him this title because of his years of experience and unmatched orthopedic skills.

The positive reviews and comments in his official website’s testimonial section prove that.

With him, you also don’t have to search for the total cost of a total hip replacement or partial hip replacement as his services are very pocket-friendly.

So, wait no longer and contact Dr Ramakant Kumar if you wish to get rid of your hip pain forever.