Common Triggers of Asthma Attacks to Avoid – Know From Experts!

Asthma is a chronic condition that can be discomforting to people who have this disease.

Still, medical science is not fully aware who what causes it. But, one thing is sure it is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the airways. Our airways are sensitive to things, which can be bothersome for people with asthma.

This is why health expert calls them asthma triggers. When the airways come into contact with these triggers, then it may lead to asthmatic attacks. This is why the best cardiologist doctor in Patna suggests patients be aware of these triggers of asthma attacks if they wish to prevent them.

In this blog, we will give information about 6 common triggers that can lead to asthma attacks. So, without any further ado let’s get started. 

Triggers of Asthma Attacks

Asthma attacks are the result of the narrowing down of airways which creates difficulty in breathing. Imagine not being able to breathe, how suffocating and discomforting will it be?

That’s why health experts put so much pressure on avoiding the triggers of asthma as the attacks may also be fatal sometimes. Continue reading “Common Triggers of Asthma Attacks to Avoid – Know From Experts!”

Common Causes of Side Stomach Pain – Tips to Avoid Triggers

Having stomach pain can be terrifying and painful, especially if it’s on the right side of the stomach. There can be numerous causes of side stomach pain from minor digestive issues to a serious underlying condition.

Whatever may be the reason behind your stomach pain understanding them can help deal with it.

It’s important because the pain on the sides of the stomach can be related to kidney issues which can lead to serious health problems.

Even the best Gastroenterology Doctor in Patna first tries to know the cause as it can help in providing the right kind of medical attention.

Through this blog, we will try to provide you with some of the common causes of side stomach pain, as the answer to the internet’s most searched question “Why am I having side stomach pain”

 Causes of Side Stomach Pain

Those who are suffering or have suffered from side stomach pain know what kind of misery it brings to a person’s overall well-being.

However, this pain can be reduced and be treated easily if one knows the causes behind it: Continue reading “Common Causes of Side Stomach Pain – Tips to Avoid Triggers”

Does Cold Weather Affect Asthma – Ways to Deal With it

People with lung diseases especially asthma don’t really like winter seasons. The reason behind this unlinking is the effect it has on their asthma issue.

But does cold weather affect asthma for real or it is just another winter myth? Well that much is sure that the cold weather plays with our respiratory system, which may worsen its effects.

In this blog, we try to solve the mystery behind cold weather and asthma diseases. We will get to know, can a cold make your asthma worse? And if yes, what are the reasons behind it?

So, without any further ado let’s get started. 

Does Cold Weather affect asthma?

Does Asthma Increase in Cold Weather? This may be the winter’s most asked question.

Well, according to health experts of the best Pulmonology hospital in Patna, chill weather can worsen asthma because of the cold and dry air.  It affects our respiratory system by damaging the lining of the airways.

This happens because cold and dry air leads to spasms in internal muscles, which try to keep the airways open. The irritated lining of the airways can result in coughing, shortness of breath, and other problems. Continue reading “Does Cold Weather Affect Asthma – Ways to Deal With it”

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in 30s – Know The Symptoms

You have erectile dysfunction and you are just 30? Well, firstly you are definitely in a deadly situation at this young age.

Secondly, there is no need to panic because you are not alone in this. Millions of people around the world are getting affected by this sexual disease. Earlier older men were more suspected of having ED.

But with each passing day, younger men are also getting captured by this deadly health situation.

There are many causes of erectile dysfunction in 30. According to the best Urologist in Patna, many underlying mental and physical conditions are involved in this genitourinary disorder. In this article, we will talk about them in detail. 

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in 30

Getting affected by ED at this young age will surely hurt your confidence as a man. That’s why it’s extremely important to know about the causes behind it so that you can cure it afterward: 

#1. Obesity

According to some health experts, a simple trick to cure ED is to trim down those extra pounds. 

This is because being overweight can interfere with your blood circulation, which is generally related to erectile dysfunction problems. Erection is all about a proper flow of blood circulation in the penis. Continue reading “Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in 30s – Know The Symptoms”