10 Benefits of Pilates on Overall Health – Check Here

Benefit of Pilates for a Woman

Who said only heavy lifting or yoga increases speed, power, and performance potential?

Have you heard about Pilates? Well, Pilates is a low-impact exercise developed in the 20th century by a trainer, Joseph Pilates, based in Germany. In the olden times, dancers and soldiers coming from war heavily benefitted from Pilates.

Pilates movements include toe taps, extending legs, and abdominal curls, which lead to core activation. Practitioners claim that pilates may cause burning sensations in the targeted area during the sessions, but the aftermath will be great.

The best thing about pilates is that anybody can perform this regardless of his or her age or fitness level, unlike the gym.

According to Jennifer McCamish, the founder of Shape Method, nothing is better than Pilates for rehabilitation and prevention of injuries.

7 Pilates Exercises to Empower Your Core and Weight Loss

A healthy body implies a healthy core. But what exactly is a core? The core is a combination of the pelvis, lower back, hips, and stomach. Strong core lets you do any activity smoothly without second thoughts or uneasiness.

Here are 10 Pilates exercises to strengthen your core and drop excessive weight! Pilate exercises to empower your core.

1) Shoulder Bridge

Shoulder bridge preparation is for beginners and tends to work on the glutes, hamstrings, inner thighs, pelvic floor, and back muscles. To perform this exercise, carry out the following steps:

  • Lie straight on your back. Bend your knees and part them up to the width of your hips.
  • Position a pillow or a ball between your thighs.
  • Squeeze the pillow or ball between your thighs gently. Tilt your pelvis and raise your lower and mid-back from the back until your spine is 60 degrees to the floor. Do not exhale and remain in this position for a few seconds.
  • Bring your spine back to the floor slowly.

Do 5 reps of shoulder bridge preparation.

2) Leg Lifts

Leg lifts work on your deepest abdominal muscle and back. To perform the leg lifts, perform the following exercise:

  • Lie in a position similar to Shoulder bridge preparation. However, this Pilates exercise does not require any pillow or ball.
  • Inhale to fill your ribs with fresh breath. Then, exhale to move your pelvic floor and abdominals up and down.
  • Lift your left leg so that your left thigh is 90 degrees to the floor. Inhale and be in that position for two to three seconds.
  • Exhale and lift your right leg the same way. Inhale and be in that position for 5 seconds.
  • Return your feet to the floor.

Do 3-5 sets of leg lifts.

3) Toe Taps

Toe taps work on abdominals and hip extensors. Avail of these benefits of pilates once a week. To perform toe taps, carry out the following steps:

  • Lie on the ground the same way in the shoulder bridge preparation.
  • Exhale and lift your left leg so that your left thigh is 90 degrees to the floor. Inhale and remain in that position.
  • Carry out the same procedure with your other leg.
  • Now, bring your one foot to the floor without doing anything to another leg.
  • Take your leg back to the position as described in point. Repeat the same procedure with your other leg.

Do 5 reps on each leg.

4) Single-Leg Stretch 

Single leg Stretch Exercise works on abdominals, back, and hip extensors. To perform this exercise, perform the following steps:

  • Lie on your back with both raised in such a way your thighs lie 90 degrees to the floor.
  • Exhale and raise your head, neck, and shoulders as if you are gazing at your knees. Inhale and hold your knees.
  • Exhale and stretch your leg so that it forms 45 degrees to the floor. The hand on the side of the stretched-out leg will touch your other leg’s ankle.
  • Bring your knee back to the original position and repeat the same procedure with the opposite leg.

Do 8 reps on each leg.

The Weight Loss journey can be extremely annoying. With the right exercises, you can achieve your weight loss goals. But what is pilates good for weight loss? Have a look!

5) V-Ups

V-ups are the best way to extinguish fat as it works on the abdominal area and the entire muscle group. On top of that, these are easier to perform.

However, if you are suffering from lower-back problems, skip V-ups. To perform this exercise, carry out the following steps: 

  • Lie straight on your back on the floor.
  • First, lift your legs and then your upper body. At this point, your body should look like the letter “V”.
  • Remain in this position for 5 seconds. Do 4 reps of V-ups.

6) Swan Pose

The swan pose resembles the cobra pose with minor differences. This pose tends to burn calories. To perform this Pilate exercise, perform the following steps:

  •  Lie down on your stomach on the floor.
  • Raise your upper body according to your capacity and extend it back towards the direction of your hips.
  • Your lower body shouldn’t move at all.
  • Inhale and exhale and feel the stretch of your muscles.
  • Remain in this position for 10 seconds and gently move your upper body back on the floor.

Do 10 reps of the Swan pose.

7) Leg Circles

Leg circles work on your abdominal muscles and tone and stretch your thighs. To perform this exercise, carry out the following steps:

  • Start by lying on the right side of the body. Extend your right arm along the floor. Make sure your head rests on the extended arm. Place your left hand on the floor.
  • Lift your top leg up to the hip height with your toe stretching away from your body.
  • Start circling your top leg around in a clockwise direction. The circular movements should be small enough, and the hip should be still. Do 8 repetitions– 4 clockwise and 4 anti-clockwise.
  • Perform the same exercise with your left leg as well.

Do 2 reps on each leg to reduce weight.

Top 10 Benefits of Pilates

Pilates offers you plenty of physical and mental benefits. Let’s have a look at the Benefits of Pilates.

1) Stunning Abs and Strong Core

Pilate’s exercises work on your lower back, abdomen, hips, and pelvic muscles. If your job requires you to lift heavy objects, go for Pilates exercises. Not only you will get a strong core, but also look lean and attractive.

2) Works on Back Pain

Many people claim that their back pain disappeared after practicing Pilate’s exercises. Sometimes even back specialists can’t do what Pilates can do. Try Pilates exercise if you are suffering from long-term back pain.

3) Attractive Posture

Poor posture happens because of long-hours desk jobs or study times. With the help of Pilates exercises, you can achieve a stunning posture. As your posture improves, you will no longer feel neck aches, headaches, and other pains.

4) Better Mental Health 

Pilates exercises require you to concentrate on your full body and breathing, which improves your concentration and focus.

It is the most comfortable distraction from your negative thoughts, toxic thinking patterns, and overthinking compulsions. If you are suffering from depression or mental illnesses, like OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), you should do Pilates regularly.

5) Increased Flexibility

Joseph Pilates said that true flexibility can only be achieved when all muscles are properly developed.

Even if you do 20 Pilate sessions, your flexibility will raise to 20%. Furthermore, the more flexibility, the more blood circulation. As a result, you get a healthy heart and sharp brain.

6) Minimizes the Risk Of Injuries

Pilates can be everyone’s cup of tea. In other words, old people or even children can do Pilates exercises. As stated above, Pilate’s exercises can improve your strength and coordination of the core muscles of your body.

7) Beneficial For Pregnant Women 

Pilates exercises are beneficial for pregnant women. This help to reach and maintain the fitness levels you want, makes your pelvic muscles strong, and leads to efficient body functioning.

As time passes by, your body will be strong enough for child delivery. Don’t underestimate the benefit of pilates for a woman.

8) Improved Digestion

A healthy digestive system promotes weight loss, elimination of toxins, increased mental clarity, increased energy and stamina, regular bowel movements, better absorption of nutrients, etc.

With Pilates exercises, you can improve the health of your digestive system. As a result, you will notice an increase in vital fluids, deep massage affecting internal organs, and a metabolic increase in your digestive system.

9) Increases Your Energy Levels

Are you tired of fatigue? Try pilates exercises. Generally, exercises of any kind tend to improve energy levels. With Pilates, you receive additional benefits.

10) Helps singers improve their lung capacity

Being a musician isn’t easy. They may suffer from arm pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, poor posture, and more.

With Pilates exercises, they can get rid of aches and improve their bad posture. Not only this, singers can have increased lung capacity with Pilates.

As there are Benefits of Pilates, there are disadvantages of pilates too. It can cause fatigue, muscle soreness, pain in the lower back, muscle aches, flushing, etc.

To conclude, Pilates is a thing of great advantage. It can help you achieve your standard fitness levels, improve your core and physical health, Drop Body Weight, reduce mental problems, and more.

You should add Pilates to your lifestyle for quick changes.  Thus to read more similar blogs related to fitness, workouts & bodybuilding visit us at Bigandripped.com.