Effective Treatment for Shoulder Arthritis – A Comprehensive Guide

No one wants to live with constant shoulder pain in their daily life. Shoulder arthritis is one such condition that can force you to live like that. The pain will interfere with day-to-day activity which will leave you physically exhausted and mentally frustrated.

So if you are suffering from arthritis of the shoulder then don’t ignore it as it will get worse with time. If it reaches the last stage then the pain will stay with you for the whole day or will make sleeping harder.

So, Is there any solution for shoulder arthritis? Yes, several solutions for arthritis can help to better your shoulder’s situation. According to a Shoulder Dislocation Surgeon in Patna being aware of the solutions or treatments can help patients in fixing their issues.

That’s why in this blog we are going to provide you with some of the best and also new treatments for shoulder arthritis. So, without any further ado let’s get started. 

Is there any Solution for Shoulder Arthritis?

Shoulder arthritis is not very uncommon but still many don’t know what is the best treatment for arthritis in the shoulder.

So, here are some of the most commonly used treatments that are sued to fix and manage shoulder arthritis:  Continue reading “Effective Treatment for Shoulder Arthritis – A Comprehensive Guide”

What are the Risks of ACL surgery? – 6 Common Complications

The knee is one of the most common areas that are prone to injuries. People in fitness or any kind of sports are well aware of these injuries.

Anterior cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear is one of the most common knee joint issues. Most of the time this injury demands surgery to get fixed.

ACL surgery is a major procedure that is hard for the body. Despite having a 90% success rate this procedure also has some risks and complications.

According to a Hip & Joint Replacement Doctor in Patna, no surgery is free of complications and risks, but knowing about them can be helpful in avoiding and managing them.

So, in this blog, we will talk about some of the complications of ACL surgery and try to understand them in detail.

So, without any further ado let’s get started.

Complications of ACL Surgery

You have decided to go for ACL but do you know about the bad signs after ACL surgery?

Surgeries are not free from complications but many people don’t know about them as they are not discussed that much.

However, if you wish to have successful ACL surgery you must be aware of its complications: Continue reading “What are the Risks of ACL surgery? – 6 Common Complications”

Foods to Eat For Addiction Recovery – How Do They Help?

Alcohol consumption can never be a good idea neither for your health.

It can lead to various health issues and nutritional deficiency making your body weak and dependent. Thu going for alcohol detoxification is the only process that can help you in this.

Alcohol detoxification is the process of removing all the alcoholic toxins from the body through natural process and allowing the body to function without being dependent on it.

It may look like tough at start but not impossible. Along with that you can also take the help of medically certified doctor and dead diction center in getting a faster recovery form alcoholic addiction.

However before going to Foods to Eat For Addiction Recovery let us show the range of nutritional deficiency that one might suffer due to excessive alcoholic drinking.

Common Nutrition Deficiency from Alcohol Addiction 

Here are the list of nutritional deficiencies that a person goes through when being an alcohol addict or in any kind of substance abuse.

#1. Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Deficiency: 

Necessary for building metabolism and proper functioning of nervous system. In fact deficiency of thiamine can also lead to severe neuro disorder such as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

#2. Folate (Vitamin B9) Deficiency: 

Lack of Vitamin b9 in the body can affect the development of fetal in pregnant women and can also cause anemia. Further it is also responsible for production of red blood cells & DNA synthesis. Continue reading “Foods to Eat For Addiction Recovery – How Do They Help?”

Partial Knee Replacement Success Rate – Pros and Cons

If you are thinking of going through a partial knee surgery then you must be wondering about the pros and cons of partial knee replacement.

Well, it is human nature to be concerned about the outcomes. But before knowing about benefits and disadvantages one should first know what is a partial knee replacement surgery.

It is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon replaces the damaged parts of the knee with artificial implants.

Then what is the difference between Total Knee replacement and partial knee replacement? In partial knee replacements, the surgeon deals with only one compartment of the knee out of the three.

On the other hand total knee replacement, as its name suggests, deals with all three compartments.

As you can see both procedures are different and this is why is important that you talk about your knee condition with a good Knee Replacement Doctor Patna before coming to any conclusion about the surgical process.

He or she will help you clarify whether you are a good candidate for partial knee replacement or not.

Who is a Candidate for Partial Knee Replacement?

Partial knee replacement surgery is also known as unicompartmental treatment that helps to fix knee injuries and pain.

In India, the success rate of partial knee replacement surgeries is about 90 to 90%. But don’t choose to go through partial knee replacement by just seeing the success rate. Continue reading “Partial Knee Replacement Success Rate – Pros and Cons”

Anterior vs Posterior Hip Replacement – Long Lasting Results

Hip pains are very common these days, so if you are suffering from it then don’t worry, you aren’t alone.

However, one should not underestimate it because with time it can become a serious health problem.

There will come a time when it will start interfering with your life and will make some daily tasks much harder to perform.

For example, walking, exercising, and even bending down to pick up something from the ground.

However, one can get rid of these problems if he decides to go through hip replacement surgery. It is a medical process that is extremely effective in treating hip joint problems.

There are two approaches to performing this surgery, anterior and posterior.

Both methods are effective in treating hip problems and that’s why many Total Hip Replacement Doctor in Patna use these two methods to treat their patients. But which one will be better for you?

In this blog, we will provide you with a detailed comparison between anterior and posterior hip replacement surgery, which will help you to make the right decision.

What is Posterior Hip Replacement?

Posterior hip replacement is a traditional approach to performing hip replacement surgery. Continue reading “Anterior vs Posterior Hip Replacement – Long Lasting Results”

ACL Surgery Recovery Tips + Foods To Eat – Ask The Experts

ACL stands for anterior cruciate ligament; it is a soft connective tissue in the knee.

When this ligament gets completely torn by any accident or injury, doctors suggest the patient go through ACL surgery. It is a process of replacing that torn soft connective ligament with a tissue graft that is designed to mimic the functioning of the ACL.

This injury is very common among sports athletes. Life after ACL surgery for athletes or even a common person can be difficult because it takes time to recover from it.

However, it’s now believed that with the help of internal bracing one can be fully recovered in 6 months.

Thus if you or your know ones have gone through Internal Bracing Surgery in Patna and want to speed up the recovery process must follow these tips to recover fast after ACL surgery.

5 ACL Surgery Recovery Tips

After going through ACL surgery, a patient has so many questions in his mind like what to do in the first week after ACL surgery. what not to do after ACL surgery.

So, the first thing you should do is rest and relax, and then after you should focus on your recovery process.

Here are some tips that will be beneficial for post ACL surgery recovery process.
Continue reading “ACL Surgery Recovery Tips + Foods To Eat – Ask The Experts”

Natural Herbs to Cure Osteoarthritis – 5 Tips For Joint Pain

Looking for some Natural Herbs To Cure Osteoarthritis??

There are some health problems that come as you age and osteoarthritis is one of them. It is a type of Arthritis in which the joints of the knees, hips, spine, and other parts of the body get affected.

It can occur in both men and women and is mostly found in older age groups. However, sometimes it can occur in children also.

If you are someone who is suffering from arthritis go for the Best Orthopedic Doctor in Patna as quickly as you can.

Also, there are some natural herbs to cure osteoarthritis which we will talk about later in the blog. Firstly, let us know what are the causes of osteoarthritis.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Have you ever thought about how you can move your joints so smoothly?

There are cushions-like things present in between the joints of bones that make our joints work so smoothly. This cushion-type material is known as cartilage, it is a firm and slippery tissue.

Osteoarthritis occurs when these firm and slippery tissues start deteriorating slowly, which as a result makes the joint bones rub on each other and this rubbing causes unbearable pain.

Moreover, it also causes inflammation sometimes and that’s why it’s very important to cure arthritis in its first stage. Continue reading “Natural Herbs to Cure Osteoarthritis – 5 Tips For Joint Pain”

Symptoms and Advantages of Knee Replacement Surgery

If you are suffering from severe knee pain but fear going for surgery, then you must know the advantages of knee replacement surgery.

Knee replacement surgery is one of the most common, safe, and successful surgery, with a success rate of 95%.

Yet, many wonders if knee replacement surgery is worth it or if they can get any difference (better) in their knee pain after the surgery.

Keeping that in mind, this blog has stated some of the top advantages of knee replacement treatment, especially for those people.

But before unwrapping the advantages, let’s see the symptoms of knee replacement surgery. This can signify if you are an ideal candidate for surgery.

So, let’s get started!

Continue reading “Symptoms and Advantages of Knee Replacement Surgery”

Everything You Need to Know About Knee Replacement Surgery

A Knee Replacement surgery is a procedure where the diseased knee joint is replaced with an artificial implant. It can help relieve pain and restore function in severely diseased knee joints.

The procedure involves cutting away damaged or diseased bone and cartilage from the thighbone, shinbone, and kneecap. 

After that, it’s replaced with an artificial implant, generally made of metal alloys, high-grade plastics, and polymers.

Moreover, the need for Total knee Replacement Surgery & Treatment must be assisted by professional Surgeons like Dr. Ramakant Kumar

That’s because he is considered the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Patna and is well-versed in performing numerous cases of Joint Replacement and Bilateral Knee Replacement.

Additionally, he has performed various cases with an exceptionally low rate of complications and high patient satisfaction scores.

Continue reading “Everything You Need to Know About Knee Replacement Surgery”

6 Potential Causes of Foot Pain While Walking that You Must Know

Foot pain while walking is very common and can be caused by various factors. There’s no specific demographic (age, gender, and more) for it.

This signifies whether you’re a runner, athlete, sports person, or just a common man, you may experience pain in your feet.

Moreover, the pain can be frustrating as it can prevent you from performing every day (basic or necessary) tasks.

That said, the Best Orthopedic Doctor in Patna will discuss the potential causes of foot pain while walking.

So, read on properly and prevent pain in the first place.

Continue reading “6 Potential Causes of Foot Pain While Walking that You Must Know”