Possible Post-Knee Replacement Complications and Risks

Knee Replacement Complications


A Total Knee Replacement is a surgical procedure whereby the diseased knee joint is replaced with artificial material.

The procedure involves cutting away damaged bone and cartilage from your thighbone, shinbone, and kneecap and replacing it with an artificial joint (prosthesis) made of metal alloys, high-grade plastics, and polymers.

Therefore, the need for such complicated surgery must be assessed by a professional orthopedic surgeon like Dr. Ramakant Kumar, Best Knee Replacement Doctor Patna.

This is because he has performed numerous Knee Replacement Surgery in Patna with an exceptionally low rate of complications and high patient satisfaction score.

Post-Knee Replacement Complications

A total knee replacement is an ordinary procedure that thousands of people undergo every year and generally many of them have no complications.

However, it is essential to know what the risks are and how to spot the signs of complications. This will help the person to make an informed decision about whether to go ahead with it or not. It will also equip one to take action if a problem does arise.

Following mentioned are some of the Post Knee Replacement Problems and Complications after Knee Replacement Surgery:

Blood Clots

There is a high risk of developing a blood clot after the surgery such as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). If a clot travels through the bloodstream and causes a blockage in the lungs, then a pulmonary embolism (PE) may result. This may also result in Internal Bleeding after Knee Replacement Surgery which can be life-threatening.

Blood clots can occur either during or after the surgery, but they are more common after orthopedic surgeries like knee replacements.

Symptoms usually appear within 2 weeks of the surgery, but clots can form within a few hours or even during the procedure. These blood clots generally result in redness, swelling, pain, and warmth.

Total Knee Replacement Complications Stiffness

Knee Replacement Problems Stiffness and Knee Replacement Complications Swelling are the most common complications after knee replacement surgery. Scar tissue or other complications can sometimes affect the motion of the knee. However, doing special exercises or physical therapy can help resolve this.

But, if there is severe stiffness, the person may need a follow-up procedure to break up the scar tissue or adjust the prosthesis inside the knee.

If there are no additional problems, then ways of preventing stiffness include getting regular exercise and telling the doctor if stiffness does not reduce in time.

Knee Replacement Complications Nerve Damage

The major arteries of the leg are directly behind the knee. For this reason, there’s a very small chance of damage to these vessels.

In addition to that, up to 10 percent of people may experience nerve damage during the surgery. One may experience the following symptoms if this happens:

  • Numbness
  • Foot drop
  • Weakness
  • Tingling
  • A burning or prickling sensation

Thus, if you notice these symptoms, contact your doctor. Treatment will depend on the extent of the damage.

Wearing out of implants

Sometimes, there may be a problem with the implant. Some of the problems include:

  • The knee may not bend properly
  • The implant might become loose or unstable over time
  • Parts of the implant may break or wear out

However, according to the analysis done by the studies, only 0.7 percent of people experience mechanical complications during their hospital stay, but problems can still arise during the weeks after the surgery.

If these problems occur, the person may need a follow-up procedure, or revision, to fix the problem.

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Infections are generally rare after knee replacement surgery, but they can occur. Infection is a severe complication, and it needs immediate medical attention. According to studies, about 1.8 percent of people reported an infection within 90 days of the surgery.

Infection can occur if bacteria enter the knee joint or after the surgery. Some of the ways of preventing infections include:

  • Taking any antibiotics, the doctor prescribes
  • Following all instructions about keeping the wound clean
  • Contacting the doctor if there are signs of infection, such as redness, soreness, or swelling that get worse rather than better
  • Making sure the doctor knows about any other health conditions you may have or medications you are taking

Some people are more prone to infections as their immune system is compromised by a medical condition or the use of certain medications. This includes people with diabetes, HIV, those who use immune-suppressant medications, and those who take medication following a transplant.

What Are the Signs of Knee Replacement Failure?

Although Knee Replacement Surgery normally performs well for at least 15-20 years in more than 95% of patients, there are five primary reasons why a knee implant fails – Says Dr. Ramakant Kumar, Best Doctor for Knee Surgery Patna.

These 5 signs of knee replacement failure include:

  • Wear and Loosening of Implants: Friction caused by joint surfaces rubbing against each other wears away the surface of the implant causing bone loss and loosening of the implants.
  • Infection: Large metal and plastic implants can serve as a surface onto which bacteria can latch.
  • Fracture: Fractures around the knee implant that disrupt its stability may require revision surgery.
  • Instability: A sensation of the knee “giving away” may mean that the soft-tissue surrounding the knee is too weak to support standing and walking. Improperly placed implants may also cause instability and is one of the common Symptoms of Wrong Size Knee Replacement.
  • Stiffness: Loss of range of motion which causes pain and a functional deficit. This is a common Knee Replacement Problems after 10 Years.

In most of the complicated cases, this surgery may cause Sudden Death after Knee Surgery. But the Knee Surgery Death Rate is very rare. Also, total proper knee Replacement Recovery may take around 6 months, and sometimes Knee Replacement Problems after 3 Years may come back.

The Takeaway

Post Knee Replacement, pain, and Knee Buckling after Total Knee Replacement can last less than three to six months (acute), last a long time (chronic), or be severe and intense (breakthrough). Pain can come and go with injury, recovery, or illness.

You have the right to have your pain managed. Proper treatment of pain is necessary to achieve the best results during your recovery. If you do not think that your pain is being treated well, please tell your doctor or surgeon about this.

However, Knee Replacement Surgery is a complicated process, and thus be assessed by a professional Surgeon who has a great experience in this field.

Therefore, if you are planning for Knee Surgery in Patna and looking for the Best Doctor for Joint Replacement Patna, then you must consult Dr. Ramakant Kumar.

He is a renowned Orthopaedic Doctor practicing at Boring Canal Road, Patna, and having more than 10 years of experience in this field. To know more about him you can visit his website.

Thus, here we put an end to this blog for – “Post-Knee Replacement Complications”. We hope you enjoyed reading this.

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