Boost Your Immune System Naturally: Which Vitamins Can Help?

Which vitamins boost your immune system

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us one thing straight away!

The survivors are the ones with the best immune system. However, this begs the question, which vitamins boost your immune system?

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, traditional methods have been revived and old school methods have been dugout. Not too long back, no one had time to boost immunity. But now, the survival of the fittest looms over.

And today the one who is the fittest is the one with an efficient immune system.

This brings us to the open question, Do Vitamins Boost Immune System?

Well, yes. Immune System Booster Vitamins and minerals together make a strong team to boost your immunity.

As commented by a registered dietitian, Maxine Smith, “A truly healthy immune system depends on a balanced healthy diet over time.”

How to Boost Immune System Naturally?

The major source of vitamin and mineral comes from fruits and vegetables. People today don’t have much time to cut and eat fruits. Therefore, they prefer supplements for convenience.

However, fresh fruit and vegetables are still vital. Eating them raw also offers you a lot of fibre, which is, again, important to boost immunity.

The fresh sources provide better immunity and develop anti-bodies which could help a person in need.

Which Vitamins Boost Your Immune System?

These vitamins are most likely to benefit your immune system:

#1. Vitamin C

Nothing cures and fightbacks a virus invasion like Vitamin C. The citric acid is rich in immune boosters.

They cure like anything. It is highly recommended even during the COVID outbreak.

Some Vitamin C rich foods are:

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Strawberry
  • Lemon
  • Bell Peppers

#2. Vitamin A

The night blindness disease, highly common these days has a cure in food enriched in Vitamin A. Apart from that, it also cures dry skin and delayed growth.

Some Vitamin A rich foods include:

  • Carrots
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Butternut squash
  • Cantaloupe
  • Dark green leafy vegetable

#3. Vitamin D

This is actually the key vitamin that is talked about when people ask: Do Vitamins Help Your Immune System?

The answer is YES!

This is one of the most important and powerful nutrients for supporting your immune system.

Moreover, it’s also known as the sunshine vitamin. Getting a good sunbath is the most important source of this vitamin.

Food sources rich in Vitamin D are:

  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Vitamin D fortified foods like milk, orange juice, and cereals

#4. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an important nutrient that helps your body fight off infection. It is critical in building the immune system.

Foods rich in Vitamin E are:

  • Peanuts/peanut butter.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Oils, such as sunflower, safflower, and soybean oil.

PRO TIP: Apart from vitamins, antioxidants can also help!

#5. Antioxidants

The most rejuvenating factor for the body is the presence of antioxidants. The most enriched source is green tea, fruits, and vegetables.

Some foods rich in antioxidants are:

  • Purple, red and blue grapes
  • Blueberries
  • Nuts
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Beans

Now that we know which vitamins boost your immune system, let’s see if you should go for supplements.

Supplements and Pills v/s Fresh Fruits

Supplements aren’t intended to replace food. They don’t have all of the nutrients and benefits of whole foods.

Eating whole foods have three key benefits over taking dietary supplements:

  • Greater nutrition

Whole foods are complex, containing a variety of the micronutrients your body needs.

  • Essential fibre

Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes are rich sources of dietary fibre.

Dietary fibre can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer, stroke and heart disease.

  • Protective substances

Many whole foods contain chemicals to promote health, such as antioxidants — substances that slow down a natural process leading to cell and tissue damage.

Though, supplements can be useful in certain cases.

Who Should Have Supplements?

Supplements may be appropriate if you:

  • Are 50 or older
  • Follow a diet that excludes entire food groups
  • Have a medical condition that affects how your body digests nutrients, such as chronic diarrhoea, food allergies, food intolerance, or a disease of the liver, gallbladder, intestines or pancreas
  • Have had surgery for your digestive tract that affects how your body digests nutrients


Vitamins are very important and highly boosting for our immune system. They are a vital part of the human body and one should opt for them.

However, raw consumption and light steaming of foods rich in vitamins ensure maximum output.

Therefore, they are highly recommended and helps combat any foreign invasions in the form of virus attacks.


Author: Horizon Clinics

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