Can Zinc and Magnesium Really Help Boost Testosterone Levels?

How Does Magnesium and Zinc increase testosterone levels? Let’s find out.

Being a key male hormone, testosterone plays an essential role in the overall health of men.

Also, it has a significant but smaller role in women’s health. Actually, higher T-level contributes to several key health benefits in men. 

Well, this includes:

  • Muscle growth
  • Bone strength
  • Increased sex drive
  • Faster beard growth
  • Energetic and outgoing attitude
  • Memory and mental acuity

Zinc and magnesium, two naturally occurring elements, are considered to elevate T-level.

But is it true? We evaluated the two elements to find out the evidence.

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Link Between Zinc and Testosterone – Why Men Need Zinc?

The benefits of zinc as a dietary mineral is well known in the health industry.

Sufficient intake of zinc through diet can help with immunity and strength. 

Besides, it’s one of the most crucial minerals to boost testosterone and other androgen hormones. Thus, playing an integral part in male reproductive functions. 

That’s the reason why zinc is often considered indispensable if you really want an optimal testosterone count.

But the bad news is…

The body doesn’t store zinc and you can lose it pretty easily through sweat. So, you really need to check if you’re meeting daily RDI. 

Well, in today’s blog, we’ll detail how exactly does zinc help increase testosterone and what you can do to meet the daily needed levels. 

First, let’s have a look at why zinc deficiency and testosterone depletion go hand in hand. 

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